2.10: akrasia

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Luna's perspective

Seth and I are at True-Grit Diner  for lunch, enjoying our meals and eachother's company.

"You're hair's gotten a bit longer." Seth said before taking a sip of his mango juice.

I laugh, "Really?"

"Yeah, but I just didn't know how to start a conversation." he grins.

As I ran my fingers through my hair, I noticed something unusual. He was right! My shoulder-length hair had grown longer, about two inches.

The waiter comes over and starts chatting with me. At first, it seems harmless, but then the waiter starts flirting with me, even though I clearly mentioned that Seth was my boyfriend.

"You know, a beauty like you would be much better off with an actual man like me" the waiter says with a sly smile and winks.

"Didn't I say that I have a boyfriend?" I scoff.

The tension in the air is palpable, and I notice that Seth becomes increasingly agitated. Suddenly, Seth stands up, his face flushed with anger.

"Back off, man," Seth says, his voice low and dangerous. "She's with me."

The waiter chuckles, clearly thinking Seth is just being overprotective. "Chill, dude. I'm just being friendly."

Seth's eyes narrow, and he takes a step closer to the waiter. Before anyone can react, he punches the waiter in the face, catching him completely off guard. The waiter stumbles back, shock and pain etched on his face. Blood drips from his nose as he looks up at Seth, a mixture of surprise and fear in his eyes.

"You little shit!" the waiter yells, anger evident in his voice. Hi spits out a bit of blood.

Seth starts shaking slightly. Without a word, he turns and walks out of the diner, leaving Luna behind, startled by what just happened.

I get up and hurry after him, knowing that he needs my support now more than ever. As I reach the curb where Seth is sitting, I take his hand, my touch gentle and reassuring. He leans into my touch, clearly in need of comfort.

"I'm sorry," Seth says, his voice shaky. "I lost control. I didn't mean to hurt him."

"It's okay." I whisper softly. "I understand. You were defending me, and that's what counts."

Seth takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, trying to steady himself. "I just can't believe I did that. I've never actually gotten so angry before." It's true. Seth has never been this angry before. He literally doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He always used to hide his anger from everyone else, although he's not really good at it.

"You can wait in the car while I go pay for the food, then we're going to Sam and Emily's place. Does that sound okay?" I smile softly and he nods in response.


no one's perspective

As the pair walked inside, they were greeted by Emily, who hugged Luna warmly and pulled her into the living-room, where the rest of the pack was. But before Seth could even go into the living-room, Sam approached him with a serious expression on his face.

"Hey, man," Sam said, guiding the younger boy outside, to the front-porch. "I just want to talk to you for a minute."

Seth seemed confused by Sam's sudden attention, but he replied with a polite, "Sure, what's up?"

"Well," Sam continued, "I know you're going through some changes right now, and I just want you to know that it's okay. You don't have to be afraid."

Seth's confusion turned to alarm, and his mind raced with questions.
What changes? And why was Sam talking to him about this?

"Are you going to give me the 'Birds and the Bees' talk? Look, I already-"

Sam seemed to notice Seth's confusion and quickly changed the topic, leading him into the living room. The pack greeted him and asked about his day with Luna, and Seth found himself able to relax and have fun with his friends. But the conversation with Sam lingered in Seth's mind, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He was sure there was more to Sam's words than he was letting on, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it, and he was too afraid to ask.


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