Chapter 4

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Hours later…

Sally entered the living room of the chaotix only to smile, Sonic was awake while staring blissfully at his partner in his arms. 

"You okay?" 

Sally's soft voice had the hero in blue looking up. 

"Couldn't be better, it's been a while since I've been able to hold him like this" Sonic whispered, Sally nodded, setting a tray of food that Vanilla had made down on the table. 

"You forget how young he actually is until you see him asleep" Sally said with a smile as she left the room just as Shadow started to stir. Sonic grinned, kissing Shadows' head. He didn't want to get his hopes up but when he smelt Shadow earlier, he smelt something else, something like a pup…he wasn't good with patience but he would allow Shadow to wake up in time. 

"Tails, pass the blanket please" Sonic whispered to his brother at his feet. Tails nodded, passing the blanket backwards to his older brother. Sonic grinned, taking it only to lie it over his sleeping partner who snuggled closer for warmth. Once Shadow was tucked in, Sonic and Tails started up a conversation involving past memories.

An hour later, the freedom fighters had doubled their safety checks and most of them were in the lounge. Sally was currently updating Sonic on their plans when the chaotix entered. 

"Ah, you don't see that everyday" Vector whispered, looking down at the sleeping ultimate lifeform. Rouge almost kicked him where the sun didn't shine when Cream beat her to it. 

"Back away from my brother before I find the nearest gun and shoot you…" Vector held his hands up at the innocent rabbit he came to see as a daughter as he saw Charmy as a son. Mighty grinned from his place beside Ray and Knuckles against the wall. It would seem Cream had learned a few too many things from the most grumpiest hedgehog they all knew.

Vanilla watched with a mixed expression but she knew Cream was just protective over the one she saw as her big brother. Vector only nodded, bowing slightly when a knock at the door turned all attention to the crocodile who moved to answer it. When he opened the door he grinned seeing who was on the other side of the door.

"What can I do for you? Please, don't say we owe you money because a crisis is happening" Vector said loudly, Knuckles elbowed him especially when Shadows eyes fluttered slightly only for Sonic to run a hand through his quills to help settle him. Shadow drifted back off. 

"I came to drop a message off, tell my brother he…" 

Shadows eyes snapped open hearing the voice, he shoved himself up onto his feet ignoring all of their looks. He stalked towards the front door only to shove Vector aside, the crocodile watched with concern as Shadow violently shoved Eclipse back away from the chaotix home.

"What do you want!" 

"Father, wants a word with you" 

"Or what?" 

"You say goodbye to them all" 

Eclipse laughed as Sonic, Silver, Blaze, Amy, Rouge, Knuckles and Mighty emerged from the house ready to back the Ultimate lifeform up. Shadow glared at Eclipse, it would seem he had no choice. 

"Or, we do this my way and you leave" Shadow grunted out, Eclipse only raised an eyebrow and looked confused when the ground around them started to shake. Eclipse looked confused until a robot appeared shooting at any of the creatures. Eclipse gasped, he called for cover when he turned to take in Shadow only to freeze. The house, the mobians, and Shadow were gone. He screamed looking up at the robot only to see it had vanished. 

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