Chapter 14

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Many miles away in Mobius…

A groan left his vocal cords as something slimy touched his face, he wiped it unconsciously only to gasp as his eyes widened and he found himself sitting in some time of slime. As much as it was gross, Tails was utterly fascinated by the slime.

"EW!" Amy cried out with several others as she shot to her feet only to gasp. 

"Where are we?" Jet squawked as he helped Wave to her feet followed by Storm helping Alena, Alicia, Kaze, Sonia and Sally to their own. 

"That's what I would like to know" Knuckles grumbled, he helped the chaotix to their feet. Vector frowned, helping Vanilla and Cream to their own. 

"I would say welcome home but last I checked none of you are my son's" 

All heads whipped around to see none other than Black Doom floating beside them all, he was impassive as usual. 

"Where's Sonic, Shadow, Mighty, Espio and Rito?" Sonia commanded, Black Doom only shook his head gesturing for them to follow him. They all did, Charmy decided to ask twenty questions with Ray joining in. 

"How did we get here?" Cream asked from her place in Omega's arms, the robot was holding her so she didn't have to walk on the uneven ground. 

"Shadows blast of chaos energy was a distress call so I locked onto his signature and when he teleported he ended up here. For the sake of my own son's pup, Espio's and Shadow's, I made sure you were all safe" Black Doom answered, he moved aside entering a room only to point over at one room that looked livable in. There in the room was a pod which held Espio, the chameleon seemed to be healthier as his body recovered while lounging around in Doom's throne was Shadow, he was asleep with Rito in his lap while Sonic stood beside him with a smirk on his face. Mighty remained beside the pod that held Espio, the chameleon was slowly waking up.

"So, now what? You eat us?" Jet exclaimed. 

"No, we teleport you home. Morana has taken over the Acorn Kingdom…I sent out an emergency help letter in your format of writing for help. Many clans have come together to protect the Crystal-Gold Kingdom…" 

"Crystal-Gold?" Charmy asked in confusion until Sonic gestured towards the hedgehog family, the bee was in shock thinking it was mythical legend. The kingdom of high Mobius had many names. 

"How do you know the name of the kingdom, only those who are royal know?" Alena asked, she was furious at the alien. Black Doom sighed, he looked off towards his sons. 

"Erebus, come here" 

Shadow's head snapped up from where he was snoozing, he rolled his eyes climbing to his feet. He walked over to his counterpart's father who smiled at him. 


"Tell them, how we know of the Crystal-Gold Kingdom" 

Shadow only rolled his eyes again, he placed Rito on his hip as his left hand glowed, he turned around and without warning the walls beside them fell apart revealing four extra pods. Inside the pods were lost family members who had been saved by the black arms in the hopes of saving the dimensions. 

"Uncle Chuck?" 




Alena and Alicia were in shock seeing the fourth pod that held someone they both thought they had lost as did many of the others. Silver and Blaze gripped each other seeing Blaze's dad in the pod. 

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