Chapter 12

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His head was on fire and he couldn't stop it, he was aware that he had collapsed and on top of that the hoglet was causing him pain, it was definitely a kicker. He blamed Sonic for it's kicks. Blinking awake, he scowled seeing the dim screens as well as hearing the almost silent footsteps. His eyes snapped close when he heard a particular set of muttering.

"To think we could end this, if he just handed himself over" Vector mumbled, beside him Manic nodded with a smirking Jet.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Jet turned to the two mobians who couldn't help but nod, Shadow didn't have time to react as a mask was forced over his face and he was injected with something. So much for senses, it would seem the hoglet was making him forget things.

"Sleep. You will be reunited with your mother soon"

Shadow couldn't even fight the injection into his body that put him to sleep, he wasn't aware of what was going on until the next time, his eyes lifted to hear moaning and shouts of worry.

"SHADOW! Wake up!"

He jolted awake banging his head against a piece of glass, rubbing his head, Shadow blinked awake only to gasp, his hands found glass. He banged on it as panic took over until someone walked in front of him.

"Ah, Shadow. My son, it would seem you have been betrayed not only by humans but fellow mobians, now the invasion can begin. With two powerful weapons at my will, Mobius will not know what hits it until it's too late"

His crimson eyes soon found themselves connecting with red evil ones, Shadow gasped seeing his mother on the other side.

"But first, I need some foot soldiers. Send for Eclipse while I extract some power from my sons. By the way, this is your fault" Morana turned to Vector, Jet and Manic who watched sadly as Shadow's tube was filled with some type of liquid. Several alien wires connected to the alien hedgehog, Shadow screamed when one went straight into his spine and the others connected to his head and arms, his pained screams echoed around them all. As his post-traumatic stress caught up to him.

Manic sighed, he wished he hadn't acted on his instincts, all he wanted to do was save his mother who sat in the same cell as the three mobians with an unconscious Alicia in her lap while in a tube beside Shadow was Espio, the chameleon in the same predicament. A yellow glow was being extracted from the two of them and Shadow was tucked into an almost ball as it showed he was protecting his stomach area. Morana didn't care, all she cared was that she extracted what was implanted all them years ago.


"What do you mean? Shadows gone! He was unconscious on the sofa, how could he be gone?"

"Sonic, calm down. Sally has finally got the computers back up and running, it would seem someone did this on purpose" Rouge shouted, the blue hedgehog modded until he stumbled across a shattered used needle.

"Tails, analyse this now" Sonic panicked slightly as his younger brother took the medical equipment and started the machine with Amy's help.

"Oh god, what the hell were the three of them thinking!" Sally slammed her fist into the counter as they all watched the video showing Jet, Vector and Manic escaping with Shadow, the ebony hedgehog looking lifeless in the crocodile's arms. Sonic boiled with anger, he was ready to explode when a pain like no other shot through his chest and he found himself falling to his knees.


"Sha-dow?" His whisper had Mighty turning to see the cobalt speedster on the ground, his eyes flickering red slightly before drifting back to their emerald green.

"You feel him don't you?" Mighty whispered, coming to help the hero to his feet. Sonic nodded in thanks, he was grateful for the armadillo's help as he didn't particularly like showing weakness.

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