Chapter 10

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Avoiding the looks of shock around the room Alena and Alicia sat close together as all the freedom fighters and their allies, the two Queen’s breathed deeply while waiting patiently for the reactions of them all. 

“To think he did everything asked of this damn universe” 

Shadow’s cold tone in the black arms language had all heads turning to the ultimate lifeform who made his way to his feet before stalking in their direction.

“I will not stand by and let this world be taken over by the Dark Arms of Morana’s Army but on top of that I will not raise my so-called ‘half-bred’ of a pup around two selfish queens who didn’t see the bigger picture. The bride was clearly asking for help and the two of you allowed power to take over. This may sound incredibly strange, but you two remind me of Gerald Robotnik, wanting nothing but power and status only for it to fall back on oneself” Shadow stated, his words cold and harsh as he spawned one of his favourite weapons in. 

“Do me a favour, stay the hell away from my unborn pup! Sonic, don’t even argue with me!” Shadow turned on Sonic who nodded in agreement as Shadow disappeared in a flash of green. 

“Where did he go?” Manic asked. 

“Where do you think? He’s gone to find his brother” Sonic angrily shouted looking at his family with disappointment. 

“Answer me this, where's father now?” Sonic turned to his mother who sighed. 

“He's with the Echidna tribe, healing up. He is just regaining his strength” Alena said with a smile. 

“No, he is in mourning because we all know the bride and he had a sibling bond, the two were best-friends and got on incredibly well. You were jealous which is why you made sure the Shinobi Clan were banned” Ray exclaimed, he wasn’t happy. Another stream of green appeared in the room revealing to be Shadow who looked more angry, he gestured for Ray and Charmy to come with which they did, as did Sonic who grabbed Shadows outstretched hand. He needed a break from his family. 

A few moments beforehand…

Mighty sighed, holding Espio tightly to him, the two had just got back from the battle and his mate had broken down in his arms. Espio had sobbed everything out, his whole world had been shattered. Mighty could do nothing but hold him close and reassure him that all was not lost. 

"I've got you, let it out" Mighty's whisper filtered around their home, a small cottage hidden in a mountain, it was a mission to get to but it was secluded and private. There was a hidden access cave that led to the Armida Clan, the armadillo tribe who took them instantly. Very few had access to the cave that led to their home and one was Mighty's father. 

"Mighty, champ? You up here?" 

Turning around Mighty saw his father climbing the ladder up to one of the higher floors or more importantly their command room. 

"Out here!" Mighty called back as he wrapped up Espio and led him back inside away from their small balcony. 

"You have guests and this one wasn't saying no" the clan leader said, stepping aside showing not only Sonic the Hedgehog but Charmy, Ray and Shadow. 

The four mobians all wore different expressions but Ray and Charmy's stood out as Ray flew for his brother while Charmy snuggled close into Espios chest. The chameleon immediately wrapped him up as he sorted his emotions out. Espio listened to everything Charmy said, even to the point he apologised which was thrown aside by Espio who knew Charmy did nothing, he was just a paranoid six year old. 

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