Chapter 16

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Back at HQ…

He was uncomfortable for sure but why? A pain like no other shot through his chest jolting him out of his hibernation state. An almost scream ripped its way through his head, he slammed his teeth together to stop himself from yelling. His arms tightened around his stomach as he forced himself to get up. He knew he needed another two days of hibernation but from the looks of it, a threat was heading their way and for once he knew he had to help. 

Sending a cry to the above, he was very aware of Black Doom getting his message and sending a response. A pain like no other struck his chest as he almost doubled over, a gasp left his mouth as he struggled to maintain one of his sides. 

Stumbling slightly he followed the energy signature of his brother and mate, it would seem Sonic was closer so he headed for that direction. Without stopping he continued on his path up until he almost collapsed for the fifth time, his legs gave out but this time someone was there. Strong arms wrapped around his waist pulling him into a firm metal chassis.

"Shadow. You are in pain. Do you require assistance?" 

Gritting his teeth Shadow found himself looking up into the eyes of his longtime friend, Omega. 

"Yes, get me to Faker" Shadow grunted out, pain continued to spread through his chest. He knew he needed a steady firm grounding presence to help him feel better or take some energy away.

"Mission acceptable" Omega wasted no time in scooping his smaller friend up he headed for where he knew the other mobians were. 

Entering the command room, Rouge was the first to spot the two and stopped her conversation with Silver only to rush over. Immediately she went into mother mode and the way Shadow didn't even fight back to her caring nature showed her that something was majorly wrong. 

"Shadow? You're not meant to be awake just yet" Mighty exclaimed coming over, Sonic wasted no time in darting over to his in pain partner's side. 

"Shads?" Sonic lifted a hand to his partner's head only to feel the coldness coming off it. His partner was shivering from his disturbed sleep. 

"Heart…scan…heart…."Shadow gasped out, his rough tone struggling to keep up as his head rolled to the side. His body unconscious in a blink of a second. 

"Sally!" Sonic's shout was heard by the rest of them. The squirrel wasted no time in setting up the scanner they had, she gestured to the same bed Espio was asleep on. Sonic lay Shadow beside the ninja, the two brothers even in unconscious states protected each other from the way Espios tail coiled around his brother while Shadow held tightly to his brother's shoulder. 

"Woah! His chaos readings are through the roof. It would seem someone is attacking him from afar and its target is…oh god…" 

"His heart" Amy finished for the princess, Sally could only nod. She shared a look with Silver.

"She must have done something to him when they were captured" Tails summoned up, his eyes never leaving the device that showed the ultimate lifeforms heartbeat, the rhythm was off by a few beats. 

"Any chance we have a spare cryochamber lying around?" Rouge asked, her question only brought more questions and not enough answers. 

"We do but why would you need it?" Ray answered.

"Yes Shadow needs to hibernate but with his chaos energy so low. There's a chance he will slip in the sleep longer and won't wake up for a long time. So to prevent this, he might be better spending a day in the cryo chamber to sort his levels out. Then he can…" 

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