Chapter 15

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"Mighty, you have returned and you have brought the saviour, good. Come along" 

Mighty whipped around only to gasp and see his father, the older armadillo smiled directing them through the many cave systems of their kind. Shadow was at the back while Silver and Blaze were in the middle. The white hedgehog was smiling as well as freaking out, he had essentially been adopted by the ultimate lifeform right there on the spot. Looking back, Silver couldn't help but drop back to walk beside the alien hedgehog. 



"Thank you for…" 

Silver couldn't get the words out as he tried but soon he just found himself unable to think as Shadow sighed. The ultimate lifeform looked off to the side and spoke. 

"I just wanted to give you something you deserve and I wasn't telling a lie. I do see you as my pup, but if you don't want…ack" 

Shadow was interrupted by Silver slamming into his chest and hugging him tightly. He had no choice but to hug him back and used the shadows to his advantage, Blaze looked back ready to speak to Silver when she smiled to herself seeing the two hedgehogs hugging. Deciding to keep walking, she knew eventually the two would catch up. Whoever said the ultimate lifeform was cold hearted clearly didn't know him.

"Where's Shadow and Silver?" 

Mighty's voice startled the cat out of her deep thoughts, Blaze sighed turning to see Espio, Mighty and the clan leader looking at her. They were standing around a command table with several others, Rito was asleep curled into Espios chest. The chameleon is as silent as ever. 

"We are here" Silver said, exiting the corridor and coming up on Blaze's empty side while Shadow walked straight over to Espio, he was fiddling with his inhibitor rings that were irritating him. Espio looked at him and gestured for Mighty to grab something to snack on, he knew Shadow was hungry but would never admit it. 

"Good, now we can start with the plan" 

"What plan?" Silver asked, Shadow rolled his eyes, he knew one thing. Silver and Sonic were too much alike. 

"To take down the high kingdom of Mobius" 

"What! Why?" Blaze turned to Mighty who only pointed at the hologram. 

"Underneath are the crystals we need to save our home and the royals will do anything not to tell anyone where they are. Only those with royal blood can touch them, which means…" 

"You need me" Silver stated, he looked at Shadow who shrugged directly at him.

"Not really, we need a royal. Shadow can do it due to the unborn he has but…" 

"You're willing to risk yourself? Are you insane?" Blaze turned on Shadow who rolled his eyes. "After everything you are doing to protect Silver at least let us help so no harm comes to you" Blaze pressed, Shadow only blinked, he was struggling to remain awake. Espio could see it and shared a 'look' with Mighty who wasted no time in scooping up the exhausted hedgehog who didn't even fight back as Mighty lay him down on a nearby piece of furniture. The ultimate lifeform was out like a light as the others discussed the plan. 


"My Queen, it would seem it has been done. The mobians and your son's have separated, do we initiate our next plan?" 

"Yes, move onto stage four" 

"Yes my queen" 

Morana laughed to herself as Kaiser went to do as told. She looked into the orb she had, it sat beside her in the throne she had taken over. 

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