Chapter 11

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A dark mist covered Alena, the hedgehog family scrambled out of the way as the mist disappeared revealing to be a female alienated hedgehog who had black fur with white stripes, her eyes red while there was some type of slime around her body, over her black cloak, a type of snake coiled around her neck while it's fangs were taken and made into the skull necklace around her neck. 

“I am not your son” Shadow spoke with venom in his tone as he stepped in the way of Sonic’s body, he wasn’t the only one. Espio had moved slightly in front of Mighty, Charmy and Vector, the chaotix watched the two carefully.

“That's what you say for now…but will you continue to deny it Shadow?” Morana laughed, her eyes finding the hedgehog royal family. “Especially when we hold Queen Alena in a black arms pod, you remember what happens to a mortal in an immortal pod? Don’t you…what was the last thing you told Maria?” Morana teased only making Shadow tighten his hand on his gun while his other hand sparkled with green chaos energy since his gold wasn’t working. 

“Now, now my son. No need to get violent, I am here early to offer you a deal” 

Shadow and Espio shared a discreet ‘look’ while Morana could only grin knowing the two in front of her even if she couldn’t get a read on the fuschia chameleon, she felt like she knew him. 

“We don’t make deals with the enemy!” Manic called out only for the female hedgehog to smile at him. 

“If you don’t make deals with your enemies, how come Shadow the Hedgehog is within my presence and not in a lab or prison elsewhere. Are you saying you gladly let a murder out and about making love to your brother instead of making him stay in a…ack!” Morana lost her words as she felt herself lifted off the floor by a black furred arm, Shadow the hedgehog was furious. 

Morana only grinned as her eyes switched colour and as soon as they went white, a scream of pain left Shadow’s vocal cords as he backed away dropping his gun which was caught by Rouge while Sonic lunged forward catching his partner, who continued to hold his head in utter agony. 

“Now that is only a small taste of my power, are you willing to listen now?” Morana said with a glint of evil in her eyes, several freedom fighters nodded including the royal members as she flicked her wrist allowing her son to stop suffering. Shadow slumped back into Sonic’s arms, the hero in blue glaring at the alien in front of them all. 

“The deal is, I will return Queen Alena, Queen Alicia and…” Her head turned to face Espio, the chameleon looked at her with an impassive expression as the next word came out of her mouth, “Your son back to you all, if Shadow tells me exactly where Zelo is” Morana enjoyed the shocked looks and the feeling of anger around the room. 

“WHAT!” Mighty roared out almost lunging forward when Vector and Knuckles grabbed him, holding the furious father in a tight hold. 

“And if Shadow doesn’t?” Sally spoke up, Morana could only grin. 

“I will kill the half-bred hybrid, the chameleon and armadillo created and then move onto any children with the simple factor of death. Every child will feel the pain of a thousand of needles including your unborn” Morana glared evilly at her son, Sonic’s eyes widened as he wrapped a protective hand around Shadow’s abdomen, the black and red hedgehog remained silent for quite a few moments until Morana’s second in command, Kaiser appeared, the cobra grinned passing over a small creature wrapped up in blanket.

“NO!” Mighty screamed when Morana created a chaos flame, she pressed the flame towards the small hybrid who whimpered. Mighty almost broke Vector's arm when he heard his son’s cry but it wasn’t one of pain, no it was one of shock. Morana gasped when her powers attacked herself and the child in her arms vanished only to reappear in another’s arms. 

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