Chapter 21 - Final Chapter

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Five Years Later…

Today marks the day that Mobius almost fell to darkness but was stopped by heroes of the freedom fighters and to this day it is remembered by those thought to be on the darkside were actually seen as heroes. Some of the younger generation never believed the stories, especially the one about the chameleons since there were very few chameleons still around. As not long after the hero day, the chameleons went to war with another and many of them were killed in action and on top of that an illness sweeped Mobius killing off cold-blooded creatures. Chameleons and reptiles were affected the most and the heroes of Mobius almost lost a great one. 

Apart from that everyone lived in harmony even a certain speedster who was always running around the hills of Mobius compared to his mate who preferred to sleep in, not that Sonic could blame him especially since they had just added to their growing family. Yep, another royal had been born. 


Sonic’s head twisted from where he was talking to his father, King Kaze smiled gesturing for him to go. Yes, it was true, Sonic would be crowned King very soon but first he had his daughter to deal with. 

“Yes Willow?” 

“Mama, sleeping on the floor again” Willow’s reply had Sonic sprinting up the stairs, his father chasing after him as the two arrived at the future King’s bedroom only to find Shadow passed out on the carpet. Sonic sighed kneeling beside his exhausted mate who just a few days before had gone through a very difficult birth with their son, it had taken almost all the chaos energy out of his whole body meaning he was basically drained dry. 

“Oh Shads, what am I going to do with you?” Sonic murmured, scooping Shadow up with ease. 

“Have you got this son?” 

“Yeah. Please can you take Willow and Maximus downstairs. I need to wake Shadow but with chaos energy, I don’t want the kids reacting to it, please” Sonic turned to his father, Kaze could only nod as he scooped the baby hoglet up while Willow clung to his hand and babbled away. As soon as the door shut, Sonic flickered Shadow’s nose as he lay his mate down, without much effort Sonic placed a hand against Shadow’s face and made his hand glow with his power, he watched the colour return to Shadows cheeks. 

“Urgh…” Shadow groaned awake, Sonic smiled, kissing his head, “Faker?”. 

“Hey Shads, you fainted again” Sonic whispered, pulling Shadow close into his chest, “Willow came to get me” 

“Is she alright?” Shadow grunted out, trying to sit up only for a chaos emerald to be placed in his hands, he groaned, accepting it and relaxing against Sonic who held him tightly.

“She’s okay but Shads, you need to learn to ask for help. I know you want to do things yourself especially since carrying Maximus put you out of commission. But you are still in recovery” 

“But I shouldn’t be, I’m the ultimate…” 

“Shads, please no more of that. No one else is around…” Sonic mumbled, Shadow only rolled his eyes, he put the emerald aside as he pulled Sonic down into a kiss, Sonic only grinned deeply kissing back, Shadow smirked knowing he had won the conversation, Sonic could only squeeze his side in warning making the ultimate lifeform gasp. 

A Week Later…

The Kingdom of so many titles was now known as the Kingdom of the heroes courtesy of newly crowned King Sonic, the cobalt speedster loved the fact that he was part of something big but hated the issues that came with being royal. Everyone wanted to speak to him and his feet actually hurt from standing still for so long. 

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