Chapter 5

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"Shadow! Come, look what grandfather got you!" 

A blond female young human came running over to him, grabbing his hand. He allowed her to drag him along the corridor, across what looked like meadows of flowers and into another building. 

Several mobians ignored them as they raced through the now village over to their home. 

"Ah! Shadow! Good job, Maria…come here" 

The man in front of them was a human, he wore a coat of black and dark red glasses. His moustache was a swirl as he beckoned the small hedgehog forward. 

Looking back, Shadow noticed Maria smiling at him with her gentle smile. He moved over to the small glass where a hatchling sat, its tiny wings barely stretched as it jumped at him. Immediately Shadow took interest in the reptile, he offered his hand, one of his nails made the lizard bite it before it sat on his shoulder. 

"Look grandfather, I told you! Shadow would bond with it! Now we can experiment on them both!" 

Shadow whipped around in shock holding the small lizard close to his body as he saw red…

End of Memory…

"Shadster? You alright?" Sonic's voice knocked him out of his trance. Shadow shook his head rediscovering memories he was unaware he had until it clicked these weren't his, they were his dimensional sides. 

"I'm good, where's your Shadow buried?" Shadow asked, Zanic froze. 

"Why?" Silver questioned only to be glared at. Blaze nodded at Zanic, they both knew Shadow was impulsive at times. 

"Not far from here. I can take you there if you want. I buried him beside his family" Zanic stated, Shadow could only nod. Rouge and Knuckles watched with worry. 

"Guys, what about our world?" Vector exclaimed, Sonic frowned. 

"It will be fine, a friend of ours. Will make sure it remains safe" Shadow whispered, following after Zanic who grinned as they took off running. Sonic sighed, leading the others after Shadows trail. 

It took a good ten minutes for the others to catch up but when they did, they found Shadow kneeling beside a monument and a recently buried grave. The ultimate lifeform remained silent as he pressed a hand against the monument, a beacon of light lit up the sky as all heads gasped. The smoke in the city and any fire went out. Silver and Blaze were in absolute shock. 

"I think this belongs to you" Shadow appeared in Silver's vision, he was holding a necklace with a silver crystal on it. 

"What? Where did…? What is it?" Silver asked. 

"Your father's necklace, the beacon of light. He used it to summon the black arms here" 

"He did what! So Shadow is the reason?...I'm confused…" Vector exclaimed, rubbing his head. Vanilla nodded in agreement. 

"No, he summoned them because he was ready to return home. Your version of Gerald and Maria Robotnik, experimented constantly on him and his friend…" Shadow pointed at the huge dragon which lay behind the gravestones. "Your father just wanted to go home unaware of what his brother had done. Sonic had gone behind his back and found out that Shadow was only his adopted brother claiming he had no right to the throne. Your Sonic effectively sold him into torture, your father almost died several times and when he was pregnant. Maria hid him claiming it was for his safety but in reality it was because the black arms had arrived. The reason why your dimension isn't healing is because all the black arms wanted was Shadow back and sadly, it didn't happen because he is dead. But, I think I know why they have gone back to our dimension…" Shadow explained, he lay a hand on the dragon's snout feeling it breath. 

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