Chapter 18

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One determined alien hedgehog wasn’t messing around as he took down many dark arms heading for him with the flick of his hand, he was aware of the whispers as he walked through the alien ship which spoke in whispers of the ancient language. His eyes glowed while his demon tail slid against the ground, its razor sharp talons echoed down the halls as it scraped against the floors. 


A synchronised call of his name in a mysterious charming voice called from afar but he took no interest in it as his hands lit up in chaos flame destroying anything in his path. If he could end, he would by himself and not risk hurting the others. It was his fault they had come here, all because of his blood. 

“My son, what brings this lovely visit?” 

Looking up Shadow was greeted by the eyes of his mother, walking straight into what he knew was the core room also known as the throne room, his eyes scanned the whole room looking for the similarities that the original black arms comet had, he knew where to aim for and what to avoid. 

“My son, I am talking to you” 

“You are not my mother” 

“But I am, you see, my blood helped create you, Black Doom wasn’t entirely truthful. He never gave Gerald Robotnik his blood, no he gave him a quantity of mine meaning you are my full blood and you have walked right into my trap” 

Shadow barely had time to look up before he was snatched up by the ship’s wires and connected to a centre pod. His arms and legs were secured and he was forced to drink a solution which he knew was a mind controlling liquid. He only hoped what he and Espio had prepared earlier on would work and Morana would see her end. Something was placed over his eyes and ears, joining him with the silence in the darkness.


Hearing the call of his name he looked around only to find himself in what he knew as the Ark but he also knew that Morana was trying to manipulate his mind, so she was using his worst memories against him. From Maria’s death to Gerald Robotnik’s torture on him to Sonic’s lethal arguement that almost ended their relationship. He was aware of the many images flashing in front of his eyes, many of them being the colony of the dark arms. 

“You know the day, you destroyed the comet with Black Doom on it. Was the day you sent a small beacon off to me. I have been waiting for you for years and suddenly when you are in my grasp, I don’t know exactly what to do with you. All these plans of searching and torturing you have gone out of the window because I am going to make sure I’m not the one who destroys this place. No, you Shadow the Hedgehog are going to be my weapon of destruction and no one, not even your precious Sonic the Hedgehog will be able to save anyone this time” Morana laughed as she turned on the pods. 

The first thing Shadow felt was the pure electricity radiating through his skull as he was stabbed a few times in places he knew were needle ports. He gritted his teeth preventing a lethal scream from leaving his vocal cords as he became aware of an energy source starting up. The blindfold was ripped from his eyes as the cannon, which looked very familiar to the ark one, was powering up aiming for the mystic caves. 

“Here is my offer. You do as you're told and I won’t hurt anyone you love but if you do not do as you're told. This is my consequence” Morana spoke in her commanding tone as she pressed a button. 

The Prime Crystals glowed with Shadow’s pure powers and a blast so powerful shook Mobius as part of the Mystic Caves didn’t exist anymore. Instead a huge crater was left in its wake. Those who lived in the Mystic Caves were in utter shock seeing the damage and destruction. Those from afar watched, Sally was holding tightly to Tails shoulder as they took in the damage. 

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