Chapter 17

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(Warning: Brief Mention of Child Death/Miscarriage)

Back on Mobius…

Sonic was in shock seeing the two demon forms disappearing only for Shadow and Espio to reappear in their original forms. Mighty wasted no time in reuniting with his partner who allowed the Armadillo to pull him close while Sonic took one look at his own mate and realised something was off. Shadow was closed off, his body language tucked close to his chest. 

"Shads?" Sonic approached his partner who avoided his eyes. 

"I lost her" Shadow whispered, Sonic was confused until they all teleported back to base and found Alena holding a small hoglet in her arms.

It took many of them a moment to realise, Shadow had lost the hoglet and Sonic felt an indescribable pain as he took the small hoglet into his arms. His daughter was gone, he allowed a few tears to slip down his face as he tucked her closer to his chest. 

"Oh god…please tell me…what…" Rouge was in shock while Sally was quick to pull up the cameras. It showed them all what had happened including where the two queens stepped aside and Morana pressed an orb into Shadows stomach. The camera then changed as Espio appeared only to trap Morana in some orb as Shadow collapsed to the floor holding his stomach. 

Shadow's body was covered by a mist courtesy of Espio and a good ten minutes later the hoglet was born. The cry of the innocent hoglet had Sonic looking up; he was in shock at hearing his daughter only for hell to break out. 

Shadow was forced to the ground by a power like no other, Espio was thrown aside as Rito was aimed for. The chameleon shifted forms teleporting his son somewhere else but giving Morana the perfect opportunity to steal more chaos energy from the closest thing to pure which ended up being the hoglet. 

The cries died down until there was nothing until an inhumane screech appeared and Shadow rose from the floor with a wild look. The hedgehog was furious as he held his daughter close and blasted Morana away as he joined Espio. 

The camera only cut off when Alena was given the hoglet as well as Shadow glaring at the screen. 

Sonic was in shock, the small being in his arms was his daughter who barely lived a few seconds before her life was taken from her. His eyes flickered around the room only to see many mobians hanging their heads in shame or in prayer. He was furious at the fact his mother just left Shadow to suffer and now the consequence was the loss of his daughter. His anger must have been visible as Kaze came up on his side and wrapped him up. Sonic could only sob, he was quick to hand his daughter over to whoever took her unaware of the fact that one of them was going to try something impossible. 

With everyone in mourning no one was aware of a certain hedgehog vanishing in a streak of light. Sobs echoed around the room as Sonic clung to his father, he wanted his daughter to live but it would seem not everything was meant to be. His mate had suffered and the consequence was the fact their daughter didn't make it. 


"Are you sure about this? There's no going back" 

"He deserves some light" 

"Erebus, do not blame yourself. I know you want to do this but can you?" 

"Just do it, I will handle the pain" 


"Doom, don't argue with me. Not now, just erase it" 

"Understood, hold on" 

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