Chapter 6

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The two returned back to HQ where a shocked Queen Alena and the Babylon Rogues stood with Locke the Echidna. 

"So they just up and left just like that?" Jet asked, Sonic could only nod, he had just finished explaining while Shadow was helping Sally with a few things on the computer, inputting codes none of them were aware he knew. 

"Why? Did Shadow persuade them or trade them something?" Locke added, not entirely trusting the alien hedgehog in the room, he never did. Knuckles rolled his eyes, turning to look at Rouge who was about to go full mother bear on them all for anything negative towards her best-friend. Who was basically family. 

"How old is Shadow?" Charmy asked, turning to the ultimate lifeform who ignored the question entirely as he focused on the information. 

"He's 18" Rouge answered for the bee who just gave her a funny look. 

"He's younger than Sonic?" Amy said in a confused tone with a smile, Rouge only nodded. 

"He's 23 but mentally he's 18 but he was created 50 years ago so technically he's older than most of us" Sonic teased, moving towards the conversation as Tails clicked a few buttons when Shadow pointed at a few of the codes. 

"So, is he older or younger in the black arms species?" Sonia asked, she took a seat beside the silent Manic who had been scolded at by Alena followed by Mighty, the armadillo wasn't in the best of moods as he helped his little brother Ray on a few things. 

"That would depend on the question" Shadow's colder tone had all heads turning to the black and red hedgehog who was leaning against the wall. 

"What do you mean? I just asked. Are you older or younger than your age in the black arms species?" Sonia expanded her question, making Shadow roll his eyes at her. She was seething but a hand on her shoulder had her turning to Alena who shook her head. 

"The Black Arms Species universal age depends on who you are and which connection you have made to the hive. I'm older in some aspects but younger in others" Shadow said with a smirk on his face as he looked to have confused them more. Sonic gave him a pointed look knowing farewell that his partner was enjoying confusing everyone. 

"Eh? What do you mean by that?" Vector said, confused. 

Shadow only turned to Omega who looked down at him, "What I mean is, because I am the prince of the Black Arms, I am about the mobian age of 18 but in my years I'm only 5. But, due to Geralds injections, I am technically 8 which isn't good, because that's only two years older than Eclipse in mobian years. The maths doesn't really work because an 18 year old mobian is actually in my years of 5, it is: 55,783 years" Shadow said with a smirk only confusing them even more. 

"So, you're the oldest?" Blaze spoke up.

"Yes, then Eclipse then Zelo" Shadow answered, trying not to yawn. Sonic smirked at him as he walked over.

"Who's Zelo?" Silver asked, only for Shadow to look off to the side. 

"He's my baby brother, he's somewhere on Mobius, hidden in plain sight, he has been disguised. Prime Black Doom originally left him here after one of his many visits to the Ark. The dimensional Black Doom passed over the message to me that I needed to protect and find him from the unknown enemy and that implies to Silver to" Shadow explained, leaning into Sonic who lifted an arm up allowing his pregnant mate to cuddle close. 

"Woah, well whatever you need unless it's a weapon, we will gladly help" Queen Alena said with a gentle smile. 

"So, will we" Rouge added with a grin gesturing at herself and Knuckles which had Shadow smirking. Omega made a beeping noise that had Team Darks full attention. 

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