Chapter 20

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The power was unreal, Sonic had never felt so much power. He felt like he was running on pure electricity as he spin dashed through Morana’s troops who didn’t stand a chance, he grinned to himself as he took them down without even lifting a finger, using chaos spears was cool, he now understood why his mate enjoyed using them but when he heard the grunt from his mate he stopped and stuck with his own powers. Now Sonic had an understanding of how chaos power affected Shadow and he knew he was going to try and not use much of his and stick with his own. 

“This is so cool. I am awesome!” Sonic celebrated taking down many surrounding Tails and Amy who watched him with wide eyes. 

“Faker, I know you are excited but giant ball of flame” 

Shadow’s voice reminded him of the task at hand as he shot off into the sky only to head for the flaming ball. 

“Okay, how do I…?” 

“Use chaos control and send it back into space. Silver is waiting above to help and so is Doom” 

Sonic frowned at the tired tone of his mate, deciding to get a move on, the hero continued towards the Acorn Kingdom and found himself hovering above it. 

“Shads, no offence but it’s on fire, how do I?” 

“You are protected trust me, I won’t let anything happen to you” 

“Love you too Shads”

“Move it faker” 

“Yes sir” Sonic sarcastically said as he shot off into the sky unaware of the family cries from below. 

“Shadow, you do not have long. Time is of the essence son” 

Sonic was startled hearing Doom and being able to understand the language, he also heard his exhausted mate replying which had Sonic moving on the double to hurry it up. With so much ease that shouldn’t have really been possible, Sonic held the flaming ball for a matter of ten seconds before he called on chaos control and disappeared with it. 

He appeared in space, at first he thought he was going to suffocate when an aura of red surrounded him and he found himself able to breathe. 

“Glad you could make it” Silver’s voice had his head snapping left. The white hedgehog who was barely a teenager was grinning at his form. 

“What are you doing up here?” Sonic questioned unaware of his partner rolling his eyes as a blurring light had Sonic gasping as Shadow’s form detached from him and Silver was quick to snatch Shadow’s hand up, Sonic did the same on the other side. 

“To help dad,” Silver said with a grin, making Sonic smile. All three of them were glowing gold, Shadow’s had a tint of black to it but that was due to his demon protecting him from pure exhaustion. 

“Shall we finish this?!” Sonic gestured to the flaming ball still in front of them. Shadow barely nodded while Silver laughed, all three of them shot off into space to deal with the flaming rock amongst the stars now heading for them. 


Morana screamed in utter frustration, her whole plan had fallen apart all because of her stupid sons. Her anger echoed around the place until she realised something, she could still conquer something and that was to kill Shadow. One thing she could do was attack from within. 

An explosion of some sort rocketed the skies above which turned her attention to the sky where now the flaming ball of destruction had been eradicated and her plan was officially over. Well her orihinal one was, another was brewing and this time it was in the form of a small hybrid whom she would find and kill. 

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