Chapter 13

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Water filled his lungs, a startling gasp left his body as he was pulled from the sea of darkness into a flaming light. 

“You hedgehog, need to choose your landing spots better” 

Wait a minute, he knew that voice. Whipping around, Sonic gasped seeing an adult human kneeling over him.


“Hey Sonic, who are your friends?” Chris asked, Sonic was suddenly on his feet only to gasp, he saw all the freedom fighters in different positions whether it was sitting, standing or lying on the ground, Sonic could only smile they were safe but how?

“Get off, I’m fine” 

Those four grumpy words had Sonic turning only to see his miserable mate awake and sitting up with an unconscious Espio in his lap. Rouge was hovering over the half-awake ebony hedgehog. The pods that they were originally in had disintegrated into nothing only to leave behind a chaos emerald. Sonic wasted no time in scrambling over to his mate and pulling him close into his chest. 

For a good hour after landing in Chris' dimension, Sonic never let go of Shadow except when he was vomiting but other than that the grumpy ultimate Lifeform was in the arms of the cobalt speedster. The others found it amusing while Chris was oddly confused since he thought the two were rivals and not to mention Shadow had died last he saw of him. The angry hedgehog looked oddly calm in Sonic's arms, Chris had never felt so confused in his life. 

"So, how do you plan on returning to your world?" Helen asked, from where she sat in her wheelchair. She aimed her question at Sonic while Cream gave her some flowers that she and Amy had found outside. 

"I think if we can work out how we got here, or if…" Knuckles cut himself off as Espio sat up only to roll over and vomit black liquid into a bucket that had been shoved into his vision. 

Seeing the black liquid many of them backed away including Ray who held Rito in his arms.

"Erebus, chaos energy high…emerald…I…it's here" 

Shadow extracted himself out of Sonic's grip as he moved over to his brother who was barely awake. 


Espios' eyes almost rolled into the back of his head but another round of vomit stopped him. 

"Beyond the seas…there's a cave, we can travel through…a secret passage that the Shinobi and Armida Clans used to use to get across realms…" 

Shadow could only nod, rubbing Espios back, he turned to look at Sonic, Sally and Rouge.

"We need some rest but we have a plan to leave here" Shadow whispered, Sonic nodded catching it as he turned to his human pal who was oddly fascinated by the hawk, swallow and albatross who claimed they had hoverboards. Manic and Sonia only remained close to their parents who stayed silent not entirely liking that Mobius was not protected. 

"Hey, Chris. You got anywhere we can crash for the night?" Sonic turned to his old friend who only grinned, pointing at the guest house now attached to their mansion. Tails gasped seeing a workshop attached, he received a nod of approval from Helen and within seconds he, Ray and Sally headed for the workshop while Rouge held Rito in her arms while Mighty dealt with his sick partner who had slipped unconscious again.

The hours passed quickly for some while for others it was slow, a particular cobalt speedster didn't really care as he held his mate close to his chest while his hand found itself over his unborn. 

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