Chapter 2

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Blinking awake, he felt anger as someone was breathing against his ear, he was ready to elbow the individual when he heard odd whispers around the room and a familiar voice was beside his head. 

“Shads? Are you going to wake up yet? I do reckon you be careful when you wake because a certain rabbit is asleep on your back” 

There it was that annoying, pesky and yet he loved the voice of his lover, he blinked slowly only for his crimson eyes to meet the emerald ones of a certain cobalt speedster. 

“Morning handsome” Sonic whispered, pressing a kiss to his partner’s forehead. Shadow didn’t move much but offered a smile and a squeeze of his lover's hand knowing he would make up for it later. ‘Wait morning?’. His confusion must have shown on his face as he became aware of a hand in his quills. 

“Grumpy, you do know it costs nothing for a smile even if you did just sleep for two days straight” Hearing his partner in crime's voice, Shadow shifted slightly but not enough to wake Cream who had tucked herself into the middle of his back. It would have looked funny from an outside perspective, any stranger would back away seeing a basic killer with an innocent one on their back. Shadow and Cream were total opposites and yet they had a strange relationship. Knuckles blames Sonic for leaving Shadow to babysit Cream for the day and by the end of it, Cream knew how to use any gun she could get her hands on, he had turned her into an innocent angel that had a hidden demon side. Let’s just say, no one will mess with Cream especially when she goes around telling everyone who her big brother is. 

"What happened?" Shadow grumbled, Sonic could only grin. Rouge moved closer. 

"You passed out, Sonic found you unconscious on the floor of the kitchen" Amy answered, for them all as she woke Cream up, the small rabbit smiled at Shadow accepting Rouge's help down. Once she had moved off his back, Shadow sat up and stretched only to wince. 

"Woah, where did you get that scar from?" Sonic exclaimed, seeing the new scar down Shadows arm, the ultimate lifeform frowned down at it until his memory caught up. 

"I've always had it" Shadow whispered, his hand glowed covering it only for the scar to fade. He ignored their looks as he climbed to his feet only for the world to spin. Sonic grabbed him by the waist pulling him into his grip to help ground him. 

"Thanks" the bare whisper was barely heard by Sonic and Rouge but it left them smirking as the three of them entered the HQ for the Freedom Fighters. There they met the others. Those included Tails, Knuckles, Sally, Omega, Blaze, Silver, Amy, Cream, Vector, Charmy and Cheese who was back flying around. Vanilla was around the HQ, helping cook food for them all. 

"Shadow, good you're awake. We have discovered a strange signal that we think you may recognise" Sally exclaimed with a smile, Shadow only crossed his arms over his chest looking unimpressed. Rouge moved into his vision with a warning 'look' to the others she led the way over to the computer while Sonic hovered beside Shadow, knowing the ebony hedgehog loved his independence so he made sure not to step past that barrier. 

Shadow glared at the screen as he read over the data in front of him. Yes, he was brash with his actions but he at least had planned most of them out. His eyes followed over the lines of data on the computer. 

"Sally! I think this one's broken, it's not even in our language. It's…" Amy exclaimed.

"Woah, what's going on? Blaze, do you recognise this" Tails turned to the cat who moved over only to shake her head. When another mobian moved them aside only to read the language with ease. 


"It's the Black Arms Language" The ultimate lifeform answered in a blunt tone, Shadows eyes scoured through the language trying to find something within it. The screen suddenly glowed as something connected with their viewing camera. 

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