MY luck

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Hello everyone! I'm back .. this story is somewhat boring please do adjust☺️

Hema pov:
I'm shocked again because today too I'm getting ready to school on time. I think my fairy godmother is now started to taking care of me. Me and my cute annoying brother going to school.

(Meanwhile her fairy godmother : 🤷🏻‍♀️😑👀)

Today before entering into school i remembered someone whom I glared shamelessly yesterday. Still , I donno who the hell he is , what's his name but I felt something strange with him.

Then I came back to reality I walked further to head back on class but I saw that familiar eyes again. Again means the same boy , the place , the same eyes. I felt something happenimg inside me . But today he didn't see me and I went to my class silently.

I have gang but those people are not that much attached to me. I felt like I'm alone still I surrounded by lot of people .

Because today I came to know that Eshna doesn't like me at all. And she doesn't wanted me in their gang.

This truth gave pang to my heart but still I acted like I don't mind and head back to the place with them. Even I want to change the place of sitting, i have no place to sit because it was occupied with others. But soon , class started , i came back to reality. 1st period made me happy because of the compliment. Yeah! Today also I got compliments. This is shock , right?

2nd period soon started. And something happened in this period. Yeah ! Place shuffling. Because of noises during class time , the staff started making shuffle the places. Yeah, i got shuffled.

I am not worried at all , in fact I'm happy . Somehow I can make this as an excuse and I can leave that gang . I hope they won't care afterall.

In my new bench , i met 2 people. I donno these benchmates were gonna be my bff in future. I gave a small smile to them and I recieved a small positive smile from them. One was kaira and another was Maisy . Soon break came, but we 3 stayed in class.

We introduced ourselves properly and kaira cracked some jokes and we 2 can't control our laughter

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We introduced ourselves properly and kaira cracked some jokes and we 2 can't control our laughter. By that we came to know that we 3 of us were having same braincells . We 3 became really close at the end of the day. I bid a bye to them and I went back to home. But I am in cloud on nine for having those two. I can't wait till tomorrow to meet them again.

author's pov:
The whole night hema didn't sleep cause of excitement. Unfortunately , next day she was late to school.

Once she entered school , she didn't see that guy and so she got punishment for coming late; along with her , her brother was there who was really pissed off on his own sister. Yeah! Because of her , he too getting punishment.

And soon she headed to class but her staff was somewhat angrier not because of her. But still she made her stand outside for whole damn 1 hr for coming late.

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