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Hema's pov:
I'm really lazy to go to school. But all of sudden I felt like I want to meet him. I can only see him in school.

For his sake , i got ready to school. And I went down . My brother was still sleeping. I went to living room and my parents saw me in shock. They were literally speechless.

I shrugged and I asked my parents" why are you looking at me like this? This is not the 1st time I'm going school earlier though" . My mom shook her head and came to reality . I raised my eyebrows and waited for an answer. " Oh my love , this is not the 1st time for going school earlier but this is the 1st time going school earlier on Sunday which is definitely a holiday! " She sighed.

I suddenly looked back the day it was the weekend . I slapped myself on cheeks and without any delay I went back to my room due to embarrassment.

I sighed often thinking about what I did just now. 'am i ready to go to school on weekend also? and that too just for him ? ' i thought . Sighed again. Without any delay , i head back to sleep. And soon I went to my dream world.

I woke up in the middle of afternoon

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I woke up in the middle of afternoon. Then i went outing with my brother. We both roam all the places and finally went to some newly opened store. We asked the owner what's special here. Like us another group of people asked the same question.

We both looked at each other and I saw some familiar faces. " oh, they are my classmates , right? " I wispered my brother. "How did I know , idiot?" he sighed in annoyance.

One boy approached me " Hey hp , what's up?" I was shocked . ' did he know me ? But why the hell he is calling me hp' I shook my head and I was supposed to say something but he cutted off by " u r shock about the nick name or u r shocked because u have no idea about who i am? " He asked with confused look.

" Maybe both " I said with embarrassment.

He was silent for a sec and he replied "I am Vihas , and I'll sit nxt row of urs . And I'm your beloved class monitor " he told and smiled .

I'm blank and that last sentence though .' Is he my class representative?' I shook my head and I smiles nervously. And I asked about the nickname " yes! ur name is Hema Pietra , right ? In short hp" he simply said . I just turned my mouth in 'o' shape.

Within this convo, our special order came and went back to sit . Yeah ! We all sat together. And he was telling all nonsense thing I did in class to my brother and all of them were laughing like there is no tomorrow except me . It was little embarrassing for me to accept the truth of what I did.

Soon he introduced other two friends and they too were my classmates. One is Mark who is literally like baby . He is short , cute but his voice is so deep .

Vihas said " he is my another best friend . He may look like a mafia boy but he's totally a innocent one . His name is Neddie " i chuckled by his name. By my action , Neddie gave a death glare to me which is really terrific. I apologise for my action and continued our nonsense talk. At last , we exchanged numbers and bid bye to each other . After coming back , I saw a notification from Vihas.

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