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Author's POV:

Hema didn't force Vihas to talk to him . And also didn't complain to Spencer because in these 3 months , she was addicted to him . Her mind was fully occupied by him .

In school , Hema was preparing for her speech whereas Spencer arrived there .

SP : hey babe ! ( She just smiled )

SP : are you still angry on me ? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told him that I'm jealous.

HP: leave SP. I don't wanna talk about it. He shouldn't have left me like that.

SP: okay okay ! Do you need any help for speech .

Hema : I'm almost done . But till now they didn't inform who's the chief guest , then how will I intro him ?

SP : we still have time for that , you just start practicing speech with correct pronunciation. But for now , come we'll go for lunch .

HP : okay , I'm starving .

SP : I know babe . Come .

They made their way to cafeteria. They took their food and went to the table where SP friends are already there . All were chit-chating and spending their time in present.

SP : hey guys !

Aryan : hey lovebirds ! Come and sit . ( Later they sat where they both faced opposite to each other )

Priscella: how was the preparation?

Hema : it's good and almost finished .

They nodded their head in response and started eating their food . Then , after few minutes Spencer took her for rehearsal .

The participants and the anchors were arrived in one room . And strting practicing their performance.


They all were practicing our events . And I'm here to check the audio . Everything was okay and it's was past 4 and everyone started leaving . Almost all went and I still have to check and rearrange the MP3 ' s so I need the show anchor .

It was none other than my only girlfriend. When I was ready to call her , the current went . ' what to do , it's so dark . Don't , don't , don't panic SP. It's alright , no don't panic ' I was trying to cool myself . But my heartbeat started raising and my breathe became uneven . Now I feel like I'll collapse .

Suddenly I felt like someone hugged me . I was trying to push but the smell of the fragrance makes me to realise who it was. I hugged her as if my whole world depends on this. The warmth I'm experiencing in a hug is enough for me right now . It makes me feel safe , feel loved and also makes me euphoric . I heard her telling some sweet words to me ' it's okay . Nothing will happen . I'm here for you ' and by hearing this my breathe become normal.

And soon , I'm somewhat concious about the surrounding. We released from the hug and I hold her hand tightly . Still she was repeating those soft words . And after few minutes , current came back .

Then we made eye contact and she smiled at me like nothing happened. It was the first time , I over come my nyctophobia . I felt proud to have her as a girlfriend that time... She behaved so mature.

After a few minutes , we again went back to work . She help me with the order of the event which is going to held .

Hema's POV:

Me and Spencer were working for the tomorrow's program . Even we were involved in our work , my heart still running here and there . I feels so happy working with his company . I felt ecstatic . It's already time and the thought of us leaving is really the worst feeling . We both have lots of misunderstanding till now but when we were together like this makes me to forget everything. And the time , I hugged him was the bestest best thing ever . It felt so safe and comfortable .

I was really brave to initiate the 1st move but I don't know from where I got this guts . It's okay now . When we finished , I look at him and only to know he's already looking at me . He was supposed to say something but got interrupted by another voice .

Jacob : hey ! Come . It's late . I wanna go home fast because I'm hungry .

HP : wait , idiot .

I got irritated by my brother sudden arrival. I just once again saw him and bid bye . Then Me and my brother started going to home . Spencer went on the other side . But I should say it was really a nice day .

In this thought , I was smiling without my knowledge and in that pleasant mood i also slowly went to sleep . Good night guys 👋🏻

Taa taan ! We'll see in next episode 😊 👋🏻

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