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Author's POV:

As they said , they both waited till everyone left the venue. Then Hema approached him .

Hema : hey !

SP : hiii

Hema : SP ! One more request. Can we behave like couples before we break up.

SP : what ?

Hema : if it's not comfortable then, leave it. We'll just complete the 1st request .

SP: no no ! I was surprised. Hah 🤔 wait a minute.

After that Spencer ran somewhere leaving her alone . After a minute, he came back to her .

Hema : where have you been?

Without answering, Spencer just kneels to the ground and pulls out the thing behind his hand which is a beautiful red rose and said .

SP : to the beautiful girl over here . Will you accept me as your boyfriend ! Again ?

Hema was just surprised and her heart twisted a bit by the sudden confusion. But nonetheless , she took the rose from his hand and said " yes " .

SP : so right now . We are lovers. It means I can do what I want to do with you . Right ?

Again this flirty way of Spencer is all Hema wants right now . His sentence made hema's heart skip a beat . And she nodded her head .

Without wasting a second , Spencer pulled her and hugged her tightly. It was so long being like this in each other's arms . They feel the warmth and comfort getting from each other .

SP : I missed this so much

HP : me too !

Then they pulled from the hug and stared at each other with a fond smile over their faces . Slowly , Spencer pulled the hair which blocks his view and lightly kissed her .

After a while of proximity , they just went outside the city . He took her in his car  somewhere . Hema kept on asking where they were going but he didn't tell anything . After a while , the car stopped . Spencer held her hands and took her to the place to show the view of the city from the hills

 Spencer held her hands and took her to the place to show the view of the city from the hills

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( The view )

Spencer : how is the view ?

Hema eyes sparkles by the reflect of the view and shines differently . She mouthed " awesome ! " . He smiled and took her near the view . They both sat near the slab over there .

Hema lies on his chest while enjoying the view . She can hear his heartbeat . Spencer just hold her tightly and started feeling this moment . They are both immersed in the view and the time turns 10 and half. So it's getting late . They again went back the car and started driving down .

Before they reaches the ground the place started raining . It was quite romantic . While going there Hema saw the icecream shop.

Hema : Spencer ! Can we eat icecream.

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