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Author's POV:

The question asked by Spencer really confused her. She have no clue what's going on in his mind . But before anything she should answer him. Look at him ! Having puppy eyes and waiting for her reply .

Hema : yes ! More than him.

After hearing this Spencer got really happy and smiled at her showing his pretty tooth then closed his eyes to get some rest. Hema is still wondering about what's going on here. She just blankly staring at him. Soon , she smiled by looking at him who is smiling while sleeping. Then Hema thought ' how cute he is ! But when he gets angry , it's really scary . I pray that no one's eyes should fall for him ' . She started admiring him with a small smile in her face which is not leaving her face nowadays

SP: enough of starring me. I know I'm handsome!! (He told with the closed eyes )

Hema : ( she got scared at first , later ) no , you are not handsome. 😌

SP : huh ? 👀 ( He opened his eyes in suprise)

Hema : you are not handsome but instead you are really cute like a 5 years old baby 😁😁😁

She laughed by looking at his expression . She slighted combed his hair with hand and started massaging it . In other hand she started reading the book and SP just staring at her whole time until he fell asleep.

After he slept , HP took her hand from his hair and started studying and taking some notes. Everything seems peaceful for both. They both were enjoying each other company and it feels really good.

Few minutes later , Hema completed her work and she turned to look at him who was sleeping peacefully.

Hema : ( she murmured slowly ) see ! You are really tired . But you are not accepting this. I come to know one thing SP. ' I love you ' and I'm really happy to know that I'm important in your life . Thank you for making me happy without even your knowledge. Just by looking at your smile I feel happy even though I didn't make you smile. I thought you'll be my rival enemy but here see ,  I started falling for you .

After telling this to him even without his consciousness , she somewhat felt relieved and It feels right too. Then she slowly shaking his shoulder trying to wake him up. And finally he woke up.

Spencer : are you done ?

Hema : yes !! 😊

Spencer : good ! Then we'll leave now !!!

Hema : okay !!
              One minute !!!

SP: what happened ??

She slowly approached him and adjusting his hair because it looks really messy . Spencer just felt happy by this little action by her but he didn't show outside.

Hema : now , we'll go .

Spencer : y.... Uh.... Yeah !!! ( He started blabbering suddenly)

Then they started going on opposite to their way to home. While going Hema was really happy and smiling , today she was really happy that she finally told him about how she felt even though he didn't hear anything.

Same goes to Spencer , he was lately thinking about her but now he can't think of anything except her. What happened today was really nice for him to feel... He thinks that he want to feel the same emotion daily .

But still he don't know why he's feeling like this. It's really odd. Somehow he went to home , got freshen up , had food and then went to sleep earlier.

For Hema it's totally different , she can't sleep . She was thinking , thinking, thinking and thinking.

To divert her , she started studying which is really shocking . I know ! I'm also shocked !!
But she have to overcome those thoughts .

In morning ,

  Same routine life , somehow they reached school. Soon after reached , Hema told everything to kaira who was shocked of her besties braveness. All this was noticing by Maisy
Who was really disturbed and want to know what's going on .

Maisy : guys !! I know you guys are hiding something to me .

( Hema and kaira looked at each other and shakes their head as no )

Maisy : I know you guys are lying, it's about Hema , right ?

( Both were shocked . By looking at their expression, Maisy got to know )

Maisy : I know... I guessed right only !! Tell me you like someone, right ?

Both Hema and kaira was stunned to say anything.

Kaira : no... It's not like that ... Actually....

Maisy : no it's clean and clear . Nowadays, she is blushing so much for no reasons . I got to know the reason... And also I know who is that person 😒

Hema : Maisy..... Actually

Maisy : 😠 don't talk to me . Why did you hide from me. Am I not your friend ?

Hema : no ! Please don't think like that.

Maisy : no Hema . You should know that I'm not gonna judge you. Whoever you like , I'm gonna support you .

Hema : sorry 😔 and thank you Maisy.

Maisy : it's ok. I'm happy that you like Vihas ! ( Which made both Hema and kaira look at Maisy in shock )

Hema : Maisy...

Maisy : it's okay . He's good for you . You have good taste in choosing partners ... Thank God, you didn't choose someone toxic... Toxic like Spencer .😌

( Hema and Kaira were really stressed and don't know what to say . They just look at each other. Discussing with their eyes about what to do )

Hema : why Vihas is okay  and not Spencer ?

Maisy : it's because you both will fight like enemies . It's already toxic and if you both got committed, then it will be more toxic . But Vihas is really nice and caring. I'm happy for you unless or until it's SP. ☺️

Hema : thank you ! You are really a very good friend 😅

Maisy : I know , right ?

They both nodded their head faster. And later they told each other that let it be like what she thinks. For now , no need of telling the truth.

Hema : what to do now ?

Kaira : it's ok ! We'll tell her later. But Until then we'll act like you really liked Vihas . Only in front of her.

Hema : but he is my friend. How will I do that ?

Kaira : yes , he's your friend and he won't tell anything to you . Only for few days , later we'll tell her.

Hema : okay 😔 but  I'm feeling like it's a bad idea.

Kaira : you have any better one ? 😒🤨

Hema : no 😶

Kaira : then shut your mouth , and do what I say .

( Author to reader : what you guys think ? Whether it's a good idea or bad ??? )

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