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Author's POV:

They both were happy together . And it was 5 months after they performed the school program . It went really well. After their program , they both were praised well for their hard work. Later in these 5 months , they both really enjoyed their time together . They went on several dates. Sometimes, Spencer tries to befriend hema's brother but he'll fail miserably.

Now everything was quite well for both . But the one thing is bothering Hema a lot . And it's VIHAS. He didn't approach Hema because of what happened 5 months before . Even out of her ego , Hema voluntarily went and spoke to him but he didn't response back . It really hurt her .

But all these time , Spencer asks sorry for every fight which goes between Hema and Vihas.  He think , that they both were seperated because of him . HP told not to ask sorry but he keep on doing that .

Right now they both were in library spending their time together .

SP: it was all started here . Our story

HP: haan , maybe .

SP: haa. Do we have any special occasion for ourselves together.

HP : no ! But if you want tomorrow we can spend together. Anyways it's holiday .

SP: hmm 🤔 tomorrow? But I have some work with my father . Sorry babe .

HP : oh okay ! No need to ask sorry . We'll see for some other day .

SP : I'm so lucky to have such an understanding girlfriend. Haven't I ?

HP : yes you are indeed Lucky to have a girlfriend like me .

They both were flirting like this . Suddenly someone arrived . They turned towards the door opening sound and they both were shocked . Who is it ?

Jacob : caught you both.

Hema : Jacob !

Jacob : finally ! I know you both were something else. Am I right ?

HP : no !  We are not. Don't create rumor like this .

Jacob : don't try to fool me . I caught you both  red handed .

SP : both of you stop first ! It's library . Jacob ! Come and sit here .

Spencer declared and Jacob glared at him for demanding. But nonetheless went and sat with them . Both HP and her brother were making eye contact contest for past 5 mins . SP felt enough of them . They were trying to burn each other through eyes . But who's gonna tell them it's not possible. Finally Spencer made an action to stop them .

SP : guys ! Enough .

But still they were glaring at each other . And not willing to stop it .

SP : for the last time I'm telling . Stop it right here . Or you should know the consequences of what I can do .

HP as a SP 's girl friend lost all her fear towards him but her little brother knows who he is and what he can do . So , he stopped glaring at his sister and made eye contact with SP.

SP : that's good . First , are you okay with your sister having boyfriend?

Jacob : No !!!

SP : then don't spread rumours.

Jacob : I'm not spreading any rumours . It's just that .... Everyone knows that something is going between you both . Don't try to fool me . I know everything.

HP : what ? Huh ? What the hell you know ?

Jacob : the hell I know was you both were in a secret relationship. Wasn't it ?

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