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No one's POV:

After seeing Spencer's expression, Hema went silent not willing to make him even more angrier. She was silently eating her food without saying anything. Spencer observed her behaviour and didn't complain .

After their lunch , Hema went to search for her best friend . While going she bumped into someone. She asked sorry for that person but that person held her hand tightly .

🗣️ ?! : where you  think you are going ?

Hema : I'm sorry . I'm searching for my friend . Please leave my hand .

🗣️ : ohh ! Is it ? Is this how you talk to me ? Do you know who I am ?

Hema sensed that she is in trouble . But right now , she was worried about her friend . And this person is trying to get on her nerves . She is not in her right mind either .

Hema : oh please , bro ! I'm not having time to know about your autobiography. Maybe next time ??

She acted cool and tried to escape from that place but that person is not leaving her hand . Now she is  scared . She just wants to escape from this person first . She used her all strength to escape from him but failed miserably.

🗣️ : I thought of having some friendly talk with you but the attitude you showed right now wants me to do something else.

Hema : you pervert ! Leave my hand or else I'll shout .

🗣️ : try if you want .

Hema was trying so hard to remove her hands . Suddenly a sound was heard so that the boy removed her hand . They turned to the place where sound came. And Hema saw Spencer coming towards her .

SP : hey babe ! Where were you ? I've been searching for you for a long time . ( Then Spencer's focus went to the next person and realised who it was )

SP : hey bro ! How are you ? What are you doing here ?  ( Right now Hema was shocked that sp knows that bastard )

🗣️ : hey Spencer , I'm good , how r u ? It's my school then what do you think I am doing ?

SP : I'm good . Yeah yeah ! You are the principal 's son .  You have a lot of work to do here .

Hema was super shocked that the Bastard was the son of our school principal. She was now scared to tell Spencer about the incident that happened before . What if it affects their studies .

SP : hey babe ! What ? What happened?

🗣️ : babe ?

SP : haa Stephen ! She is my girlfriend. I don't know what happened to her . She seems lost .

Stephen : oh great ! I think she was searching for someone and went lost . And then I came to help her by the time you arrived .

By hearing this Hema gave a glare to him and him smirking at her .

SP : whom you were searching for? Is it Vihas ?

Hema just nodded her head because she's still in shock . But she didn't notice Spencer got angry by hearing Vihas name . And Stephen came nearer towards Hema and said " we'll have a nice convo when you are alone babe " . Hearing this Hema was shocked , scared and even started shaking .

Stephen: okay SP. We'll see sometime. Bye

SP : yeah , bye .

After he went Spencer grabbed her hand and forcefully took her out of that place . And he's even more angrier than before .

SP : why ? Why  you want him ? Can't you see me ? If you want any help , ask me . What is the need of someone when you have a boyfriend for yourself . Haa ?

Hema : he is my friend SP. What is wrong if I search for him ?

SP : that time you are single but now you are not . Try to understand.

Hema : whatever. Where is he ?

SP : he went to school .

Hema : what ? Without telling me ?

SP : why he should tell you ? He told me to tell you and that's enough .

Hema : SP. You are so possessive. Do you think it's good ?

SP : we have works to do , babe . Come we'll complete that first. Later we'll talk .

Hema was so angry on him . But she is not ready to start a fight . She went and did her work in silence . And later everything done they went back to school . All these time Hema didn't utter a word . It's making Spencer so angry .

Once she reached the school , without waiting for him she ran to find Vihas . Once she entered her class , she finally saw him . Without wasting a second she ran towards him and asked him why didn't he told her that he's leaving.

Vihas : I told Spencer. I thought he'll tell you .

Hema : are you serious ? Who's your friend ? Me or him ? What actually happened? Atleast you tell me . I beleive you .

It was a whole silence Vihas didn't tell anything. He simply stared at her which even more confuses her . After a period of time finally Vihas ready to speak .

Vihas : Hema ! Can we not talk for few days ? Like we were not friends.

Hema was shocked . What the hell was this ? She didn't expect this. Why ? What happened? She didn't get what he mentioned. It's really not digesting on her mind .

Hema : what the hell is wrong with you ?

Vihas : nothing ! In your relationship, it's the starting stage so I don't want to disturb you . you guys settle first . Then we'll be back like before. He really like you . I don't want to be the trouble between your relationship. That's why I'm telling , we'll avoid each other for few days .

Hema : wh___ huh..... What ? I can't .

Vihas : then I'll avoid you . Don't think negatively. It's for the healthy relationship. Okay ? We'll be back again . It's my own decision. Spencer didn't tell anything. Don't fight with him instead understand him . I'm leaving now . Okay ?? Babye 👋🏻

Hema didn't tell anything she just staring at him . She didn't digest it .

Flashback :

1 month before ,

It was a tensed surrounding where Hema is trying to control her anger which is caused by Spencer who's standing in front of her .

Hema : you see her as a friend . But I don't think her intension is good towards you .

SP: it's just your overthinking.

Hema : whatever it is . Just avoid her and that's all I'm asking .

SP: she is my friend and classmate. And you expect me to avoid her . I can't and I won't . It's just you and your trust in me. You don't trust me and that's why you are talking like this .

Hema : SP. Atleast tell her that you have girlfriend.

SP : I'll say . But you don't approach her . I know what to do .

Flashback ends ...

Hema was in deep thought what is going on . When I told him I'm jealous he just told me it's my trust issue but what he did now . Yesterday only I told Vihas that I'm in a relationship and he congratulated me, soon after then now he is not my friend anymore . What to do ?

In just 3 months , lots of twist and turns happened . What she's going to do ?

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