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Author's POV:

After lying to her friend that Vihas is the one she love , the fate really made it worse. The whole day she spend her time with Vihas and Maisy started teasing her. There was no idea about what's going on to Vihas , he simply hanging out with her.

In cafeteria, they all were sitting together . All means Hema friends and Vihas friends .

Vihas / Hema / Mark
Kaira /Neddie / Maisy

In this order , they sat . They were chitchatting and teasing each other. The only problem is Hema and Neddie are not having good chemistry. They both really don't like each other and that's why their friends made them to sit with facing eachother. But later do they know , it was the bad idea. They both started with teasing but ended with fight . Others were trying to calm them so badly .

Hema : he started . Tell him to shut his mouth .

Neddie : oh young girl , accept the truth that you are are the problematic here.

Hema : see ! See ! Look at his expression.

Kaira : guys stop !

Neddie : tell that to your friend first . She's the one causing drama here .

Hema : what ? ....HO____

Vihas : Hema please ! Ned !! Stop it !!!

Maisy : everyone are focusing us . Just stop it .

Hema : I'm not___

Vihas : Hema !!! ( Vihas gave a requesting eyes and so who is she to neglect. So she went silent )

Hema : fine .

Vihas : thank you 😊 ( and he side hugged her  as an assurance )

Both Maisy and Kaira were suprised that she listened to him so easily ;  because if Hema is angry , no one can calm her . It's really shocking that she calm down so easily.

But all these were clearly noticable to SP and his gang. Here , Priscella also was suprised . The only person who is not suprised instead angry was Spencer. He really hate to see them together .

Priscella: wow! So fast !!

Aryan : what ?

Priscella: if Hema was in anger , no one can stop or control her unless or until she tried to calm herself. It's so fast that her anger went just like that and see how easily Vihas calms her. I'm suprised !!!

Naveen : oh really . I already had an assumption that she might be the hot head.

After telling this , he got a death glare from both Priscella and Spencer.

Naveen: ok  . I didn't mean it like that . Sorry 😅

Spencer : why ? They are hugging infront of everyone . Don't they know that everyone are watching them .

Priscella: Hey boy ! They are actually side hugging . So it's common in friendship. And they are just friends .

Spencer : what common ? She didn't hug me like that .

Priscella: what did you told , sir ?

Spencer : 👀😶 huh ? Nothing . I'm just telling ..

While talking Maisy and Mark came to counter to take some more food  , where Priscella and gang were sitting.  That time to escape from them SP and Aryan too went to counter to get some food .

Mark got his food and went to the table and hile Maisy is taking food. She accidentally bumped into someone . She turned and see Aryan and Spencer.

Maisy : oh , sorry ! I didn't notice

Spencer: it's okay . ( Maisy just smiled at him and for some reason Aryan didn't like her , so he tried to change the situation)

Aryan : why you guys are making scene there ? Don't you know that everyone were watching you all ?

Maisy : really sorry for that . But Hema and Neddie are really not good with eachother. Sorry if it disturbed you all . But I'm happy because in that scene some good things happened.

Aryan : good thing ? What do you think it is ? I didn't see any.

Maisy : it's just Hema and Vihas. Look at their chemistry. It's so cute . ( Little she don't know that someone is burning in anger there , and it's Spencer)

Aryan : what ? They are just friends. Why you are talking like that ?

Maisy : till now they were friends , but who knows what will happen in the future. And you know one secret? Hema likes Vihas . 😁

( That's all . Spencer looses all his sanity and he went to his table without any word  )

Aryan : who told you that ?

Maisy : Hema 🤷🏻‍♀️

Aryan : you have no idea what problem you caused here right now . And thank you for that .

With that Aryan went to his table without telling anything to her and she was standing there dumbfounded. She too took her food and went to their table .

Later Hema comes near counter only to see Spencer. But I guess now she will regret coming . Because what happened here was ,

Aryan : Hey ! What happened? Why you went without taking any food ?

SP: because I'm not hungry and I don't want .

Aryan : can I ask one question?

SP : what ?

Aryan : what you think of love ? ( The word love caught Hema towards their conversation without their knowledge)

SP: why do you ask that ?

Aryan : just tell bro ! Do you have any feelings for anyone ? ( Here SP got to know what Aryan actually mentioning . He just look at his friend blankly )

SP : no ! I don't beleive in love . It's just a waste of time .  ( Here , this hurts Hema)

Aryan : what bro ? I'm talking seriously.

SP : I'm also serious . I don't believe in love and I don't like the word ' love ' . It's just irritating word which I don't want to experience in my life. Who will waste our time like on these shits . Is that enough for your question?

Aryan : okay enough .

After hearing this , tears started falling from her eyes. She lost her hopes in her love. She really expected that he will love her back . With that , Hema went to washroom . In washroom she told herself not to cry and calmed her . She washed her face and went outside . There she saw Spencer standing alone . Even seeing him hurts her ,  she wanted to be nice to him .

Hema : Hey !

She called him and he just turned and look at her without telling anything. This disturbs Hema.

Hema : are you okay ?

Spencer : what you want hema ? Just tell me that . I'm not in good mood .

Hema : nothing . I saw you and so I called .

Spencer: if you have nothing to say , then don't call me . Okay ? I'm leaving .

With he left and his words hurted her so badly . She don't want to get upset . So , she hold back her tears and went to class. Even in class , her only thought is , ' why did he behave like this ? '

Soon after that class , she have some work with her sister . So she headed towards her sister's class.  She saw Spencer talking and laughing with some other girl . She thought with a sad hurted smile ' why you are not smiling like that with me but with other girls ? Am I really important to you? Now I doubt that. I think you were just playing with me yesterday. Why it's hurting  so much to see you with others who are not me '

With that thought , she went towards her sister not minding Spencer. Because he's the one who told not to talk with him without any reason .

That's all for this episode ... Babye 👋🏻

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