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Author's pov:
Next day , in class hema and Vihas is talking about the quiz. And still hema is not confident about her decision. But she believed Vihas though , she is going on with what he's saying. In between the class , a notice came

" Those who are participating in quiz competition are having 2 days free pass for class. They should be studying in English department for their quiz. Attendence will taken in department. If anyone is missing , strict actions will be taken later. "

After the notice , every participants assembled in the department for preparation. There every participants from each class came. Soon , they took attendance before letting them read. Both Hema and Vihas gathered some books from the library and started discussing them .

While studying, one girl came , " Hey Vihas ! Why didn't you approach me for quiz partner ? " She asked and and gave an annoyed look to Hema. Hema didn't told anything and waited for Vihas thinking how he'll reply for this kinda question.

But without any hesitation , " i am feeling much comfortable and safer with her , that's why I chose her . Afterall , she is my Frnd " he replied to that girl who got pissed by his reply . Again after that interruption , they started their preparation.

VIHAS pov:
I am studying with hema now but I don't want to study with her. I make her as my partner so that I can spend time with her. I'm sure about Hema, she can't concentrate more on studies. I'm sure Soon , she'll distract me from studies. And yes , I'm waiting for that moment. My waiting wasn't longer though , soon she distracted me by asking some nonsense question but still I enjoyed that.

I replied to all her questions. But she is not satisfied with that , " what do think about us ?" She asked all of sudden. I was blank at that moment.

She raised her eyebrows telling me that she's waiting for a reply. " I .... Uh ... We... We r classmates, first of all. But u donno one thing , That I know you very well because I'm seeing you from childhood. And I'm sure you don't remember me. Because only till 2nd grades we studied together . Later i got shifted to the next section of our grade. But still I remember all of our memories " i completed my speech. Her eyes were wide opened and giving a shocking expression.

Soon, she asked more about me and she told she want to know more about me. Se asked my favourites , etc..

Sp's pov:
I had my free pass for some quiz competition. And here we are somewhere in department preparing for quiz. I felt thirsty so i thought of going to drink water until I saw something which I don't want to.

That little demon is talking with that boy whom she was talking before the day in class too. ' are they really close? Or just a classmates ?' i thought and made my way towards her

" Hey, little demon! What do you think you are doing ?" I asked to her. She shifted her head upwards to see me before replying. " We were just preparing for our quiz. " She replied. " What ? U r in quiz ? Who's him then ?" I asked directly. " Yes. Why? Why can't I be ? And he's Vihas . My quiz partner " she told.

I got really pissed off by hearing these two as partners even though they are just quiz partners. I hummed and moved away from her.

Author's pov:
Vihas was confused by sp's action. " Do you know him? " Vihas asked. " Yes. Unfortunately! " She replied. They both started chit chatting again . Sp was noticing everything from outside. He felt burning sensation by seeing those pair. Maybe it's jealous.

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