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The day that Naveen waited arrived ... Remember, once naveen requested Hema for some dance competition .. actually it got delayed and now they have one month for the program.

Naveen made Hema as the incharge for her team . They have the teachers guidance too but the main idea producer is Hema . It was a real twist for Hema. She didn't expect the dance other teams are practicing is with some tricky concept but they were only practicing normal dance.

She was thinking of changing the whole concept . So that they can at least get better marks for final valuation.

Then she searched on the internet and found some different styles of dance which should practice with the big elastic band  surrounding them .

Then she searched on the internet and found some different styles of dance which should practice with the big elastic band  surrounding them

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( Something like this with the group )

She explained her idea to the higher authorities. And finally they agreed for this idea.

Right now , the were using that band to make different poses and shapes like star shape etc...
It's taking a lot of calculation and hard work . now they were busy in that and right now she totally forget about Spencer .

(After 2 weeks of practice )
Now they were almost ready for the competition and now they should perform to some authority in the sake of reharsel.

A lot of team participating , and everything going well... Right now , they are going to perform . And the team members started arranging in their place . Soon the song played and they started to perform using rubber making lot of group poses . During their performance, behind the higher authorities some boys were making fun of their dance and this made some team members uncomfortable. So that they made  some poses wrong and doing mistakes.

All these were seen by Hema . She saw who is it . By seeing the person who is creating that problem, her anger got even more . The higher authorities are going to give some bad reviews to them but before that Hema shouted that person name on front of all higher authorities due to her uncontrollable anger .

Hema : NEDDIE!!!!

Hema : BECAUSE OF YOU , MY TEAM MEMBERS ARE MAKING MISTAKE!!! Will you please stop teasing us .

She shouted and all the staff were shocked by her action . Because, infront of higher authorities, this girl is shouting. Soon all staff surrounded her to scold her .

Staff : Hema , what you thinking you are doing ? Huh ? Our principal is seeing everything!!!

Hema : ma'am our team is doing mistakes because of them. I don't want my team to get disqualified.

Staff : god !! You are always a trouble ! Who is that person ??

Soon , after hearing this , she showed who the culprit is . They called Neddie to the spot to inquire while other team are performing.

Neddie: yes ma'am . What can I help you ? ( Hema chuckled sarcastically)

Staff : did you disturb their performance?

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