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Author's POV:

After getting  both confession and rejection by the same person , who will feel normal ? Same goes to Spencer, he started thinking about everything. He starts with the very 1st page of their story .

He wonder what might happened if they didn't met each other . He was quite hurt but also worried about Hema . How she might feel right now ? Is she alright ? What is she doing right now ? But nonetheless he knows one thing that everything is over between them .

During the lunch time , Spencer was sitting in cafeteria without any food . Then , Aryan came with the 2 persons food . Along with him , Priscella too came .

Aryan : what's wrong bro ! Why are sitting like this ? And what's with that face ?

Spencer : what face ? I'm always like this .

Aryan : oh really ?

For that SP just rolled his eyes in annoyance. One junior approached him and started asking something else like they know each other for years . And also she is irritating him by her words . Soon in this scene , HP and her friends too came to cafe. And this scene caught Hema's eyes .

Junior : so , will you help me with that ?

SP: and why should I help you ? I don't even know you .

Junior : then I'll tell about myself . I'm Diana and I'm 2 years younger than you and ...

SP : ok ok stop. But I don't want to help you .

Diana : and why though ?

SP : Hey kid , I'm not so good as you think . So don't irritate me and leave from here before i do something which you'll regret .

Diana : but you helped one of my immediate senior ' Hema ' , then why not me ?

By hearing Hema ' s name all of the them present there were shocked . Hema is standing like a statue over there and Spencer saw her with different emotion which is hard to understand. By seeing the scenario,

Aryan : Hey , what's your real problem ? He clearly told he is not at all interested in helping you . Then why ?

Diana : oh then I'm correct. See friends I told you , right ? There is something happening between that Hema and Spencer . And I saw yesterday they both were going to the private path near library .

Priscilla: will you just shut up ? Don't even try to open your mouth. Then , I'll make sure you couldn't open it again. Don't spread rumors like this. Just mind your own business.

Diana : oh ! Then Spencer . Is it real that you both were not together? Not even as a friend ?

Spencer and Hema made eye contact . Even they try to stop those overwhelmed emotion , they failed by the mere eye contact. They both can see the emotion in other's eyes . Hema can clearly see the anger in Spencer. And she was scared to continue making eyes contact so she broke it first .

Spencer : that Hema ? ( He pointed Hema to daina and she saw the shocked face hema )

Daina : yes

Spencer: oh my bad ! How come you expect me to be friend with those kind of people. She is just my junior same like you. And I didn't help anyone , now the only help I can do is to shut your mouth permanently to prevent noise pollution. Shall I ?

Daina : ( she gulped hard by seeing Spencer horrific aura and ran from that place to save her life )

Again Spencer looked at Hema . But soon , he saw her , he left the place in anger  mainly out from her sight . But here , Hema also followed him .

Hema : Spencer!

He turned at her and stared blankly. She gulped by his strong aura . She don't know why she followed him now.

Hema : I'm sorry for what happened before?

Spencer: and why you are sorry ?

Hema : because of me ! You were misunderstood by someone.

Spencer : it's okay ! It won't happen again anyways . Why you are talking to me anyways ?

Hema: ( she blanked again ) huh ?

Spencer : why you followed me , kid ?

Hema : kid ? Seriously!? Okay . I understood you are completely okay with avoiding me hereafter , right ? Then fine . I won't disturb you. But why you told her the word ' those kind of people ' . What's that means ?

Without saying anything. Spencer just walk passed her , as if she didn't exist there. It hurts Hema. The aura he's holding is so dangerous and different. This is the first time seeing him like that . 

Then the whole day , so many time Hema got ignored by him and felt hurt . All these scenarios made their friends to extreme confusion . The same thing , same routine happened continuously. They both ignored each other as if they don't know the other .

Like this days past ..... Weeks past and ....months past...

6 month's later...

It's been six months , they both stopped seeing each other completely. They both were changed . And their behaviours too.

Hema and her friends were near some tree shelter relaxing with their breaktime . And that time , some girls started running here and there. It confuses Hema and their gang wondering what's happening .

Then , they followed them and see a big crowd covering something . They went to see what happened and here it's shocked Hema...

Someone is begging to someone , but who is it ? They went little too front to see what's going on . It's Spencer who's sitting simply in a relaxed face and beside him one junior is begging and apologizing to him .

It's really shocking to see Spencer behaving like as if the girl is not begging to him. He just peacefully reading the book. The Whole crowd was murmuring something .

Vihas : what is happening?

Stranger 1 : that girl over there , messed with the senior Spencer. I don't know exactly what happened but it's just a small thing. But Spencer make it as a big problem to the principal and now they told her to transfer the school .

Vihas: what ? Transfer ?

Stranger 2 : nowadays ! Spencer is behaving like the old one .

Hema : old one ??

Vihas : yes ! Spencer is like that from the start . We all know that .

Everything doesn't make any sense to Hema. She knows Spencer changed so much like this but the thing she don't know was he was like this in earlier also ?

Here with that thought , Hema again saw Spencer but now he too staring at her . Hema can only see a anger look in Spencer eyes . She knows that after their seperation , Spencer started to behave like this . But why ?

She was in deep thought still staring at him . And suddenly Spencer woke from his place and started coming towards her direction.

Hema got nervous by that strong stare and him getting close to her skip a beat to her heart . Now , he is standing in front of her , looking straight in her eyes . Both doesn't have motive to break eye contact. Those eyes hold the feeling which were lost 6 months ago . Everyone surrounded them , gets away from them and praying for Hema.

Hema don't know why out of no where it's happening . For past 6 months , they haven't met each other , they only hear news about each other . After long months, she is staring at those beautiful yet deadly eyes of her love . Then she knows that nothing has changed , her feelings for him is still there . The only thing changed is Spencer .

Spencer : excuse me ! How long you'll block my way ?

Hema : ( she came out from trance ) oh sorry !

She moved away leaving space for him to move but still Spencer didn't move a bit . Standing right there staring at her eyes . The eyes holds something that she couldn't recognise. After few seconds, Spencer left that place . Then , Hema let out her breath which she don't know how long she holding back .

😂 What's gonna happen then ? Everything is so messed up .

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