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Author's POV:

The tension surrounds the place and both were trying hard to hold back . And , when Spencer was ready to tell her what happened ,the sound of the bell rings made him stop. Then , lastly hema glared at him and went to her class .

In class both Kaira and Maisy asked her what happened but she didn't utter anything instead telling them she's okay . It was all observed by Vihas but he didn't approach her . Her eyes look tearful and she's holding her tears back  . And the class went like that . In breaktime , she was supposed to go to the washroom but instead she saw Spencer with someone waiting for her .

Later , she went near them and asked

HP : oh ! Is this the girl you were with yesterday?

Spencer nodded his head and was supposed to tell something.

!? : hii !! I'm Stency . I was the one with him yesterday. Actually, I called him for my science project and he didn't have any motto to come with me. I'm the one who forced him to come with me . But I didn't expect that it would cause this much trouble in your relationship. I'm sorry . It's all my fault !

Hema just glared at him and didn't utter anything. Not collecting words to speak . But later Spencer holds her hand and asks sorry with pleading eyes

SP : I'm sorry that I didn't inform . But I thought of telling today . I'm sorry baby . Please !

Still Hema was silent for a while and later she raised her both  hands asking for a hug . Who is Spencer to reject it . He pulled her and hugged closely as he was holding his life in his arms . They stayed like that for a while and later they were released from hugs . And everything looks quite good now.

HP : Fine ! We'll talk later . Now babye 👋🏻 bye Stency.

Stency. : thank God ! I was so worried that I seperated you guys . But how come this time we get caught ? We didn't get caught for these months but who told you Hema ?

She purposely told that sentence and acted innocent.  But both Hema and SP were freezed in that place . The one was shocked and the other in fear .

HP: what ? This time ? How long have you guys been  hanging out like this ?

Then that Stency acted like she was shocked .

Stency : oh , sorry ! I shouldn't have confess this . Oh god ! What I am doing ? Hema . Don't take it serious . It's .......

HP: I asked how long have you been doing this ?

Hema's aura changed totally and right now it's making the other one affect so much by that aura . And also her death glare towards her make her to gulp . She made eye contact with Spencer and he's giving the same glare at her .

Hema have a bad habit of hurting herself to calm down or else her anger will hurt others . Right now she just hit the already broken window with full force and glass shutter into pieces with crushing sound . And it's the bad thing she did . The already broken glass flew and mildly cut her other hand .

It started bleeding. By this Spencer hold her hand . And Stency got scared and frozen in that place . With full force he grabbed her hand and tied her hand with  blue handkerchief. Hema pushed him and again stared at Stency asked the same ques .

HP : how long ????? 

Stency just stared at her in fear . And it makes her angry and she just grabs her throat in an unaffected hand and starts squeezing it .

HP :  I'm asking something .

Spencer tried to remove her hand from throbbing but her hold is even getting harder .

Stency : I ____ I a_____

SP : Hema ! Stop it .

HP: move out from here .

SP : leave her .... Hema !!

Her hold getting weaker and the other hand is bleeding so much . In this fight they didn't saw the blood oozing out from her wound . Hema felt dizzy and she lightly loosens her hold . SP uses this opportunity and pushed her back . Hema was supposed to fall but Kaira came on time and hold her . SP holds Stency .

SP: what the hell is wrong with you ??

HP : wrong ? With me ??? You fooled me with her  . But now you are saying I'm wrong . Huh ???

SP : I didn't do anything HEMA !!! She is just my friend. Don't  overreact for this simple things .

HP : simple??? ( She let a mischevious chuckle ) Simple !!!! This is simple for hanging out with this bitch and fooling me. Correct . It's simple .

SP : stop cursing her . She is my friend , why are you making scene ?

HP : me ?? 5 months before who created the scene when I'm spending my little time with my best friend.

SP : why are you dragging Vihas here !

HP : if you get jealous, then it's the serious thing . But if I get jealous, it's just simple . Right ?

SP: hey , are you mad ? Stop overacting , idiot !!!! I'm leaving now . I'll talk to you later . It's no use talking to you now . You can't understand my feelings, my love towards you and you only see your problem and blame me for no reason . You always have trust issue with me . Now , I'm leaving and we'll talk later . But what you did to her is totally wrong . Ask sorry first !!

Kaira : what the hell ? Spencer ! Hema also got hurt here . And right now , you are asking her to apologise  . That bitch is the problem for all this cause but you are scolding Hema . She won't ask sorry . And just leave already please !!!!

Spencer just glared at Kaira and hold Stency for proper balance .

Stency : sorry Spencer ! I hurt you . I really wanted to help you but ...

Kaira : hello drama queen ..... Enough of your drama . U already helped us so well ... Thank you so much ... Just leave and show your acting skills to Spencer when no one is around . Because others are not blind like him .

Spencer: enough !!!

After that Spencer took her and left that place . Once Spencer left , Hema collapsed in kaira's arm due to lose of blood . Nobody noticed it . And once she collapsed, kaira saw the wound and called her friends to help . Hema loses her whole consciousness after that.

After few hours , Hema came back to consciousness and saw herself in hospital with her hand bandaged . Then she saw her brother sitting next to her . Once he noticed that she came to consciousness, he called his parents and doctor. They came and examined her and she was normal now .

Mrs. Barren : what actually happened, dear?

HP : I accidentally hit the broken window and that peices did this .

Mrs. Barren eyes with tears and she wiped it off and told her " you should be careful okay ? ." Hema just smiled .

HP : okay mom . I'm sorry . I'm fine 😁

Mrs. Barren: now only your friend Kaira went home .

HP : oh ! Why she stayed so long ? I'll call her later mom.

With that they took her home and she was right now lying in bed and thinking of what happened. But lot of questions surrounds her and she want to know the answer . She called him ( Spencer) . After few rings, the call picked .

🗣️ : hello !

HP : I'm sorry Spencer . It's my fault . I shouldn't overreact that time . But I really love you . Please explain me properly . Please .

🗣️: who's this ?

Then that hits Hema. This voice is not Spencer's. Now , who is this ? With whom she blabbered things .

HP: I'm sorry , who's this ?

🗣️ : I'm Spencer's dad!

That's it !!!! We'll see in next episode !!! 😅🙂

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