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HP : I don't know what you talking about . 🥺

SP :  nothing is gonna change even if you know what you did 😡

HP : Spencer please . Don't shout ! Everyone are watching us .

SP : are you ashamed of getting yelled 😒 . But because for you , now everyone one are teasing me 😭 . *He started crying

HP holds his hands but he jerked his hands off.. Again she hold his hand tightly and dragged him to the terrace .

Hema : what the hell is wrong with you ? 😭 *She too started crying .

SP : I told you that I'm scared of darkness... And also I told you not to tell anyone about my weakness and let it be a secret between us  (telling while wiping his one tears  )
But you !! You just spread this to everyone ... Now everyone one are teasing me . Are you happy now ?

HP was shocked by seeing his this side ... She didn't expect to see him like this . Her heart broke by seeing him like this . She wanted to wipe his tears and make him happy even though she too literally crying. But right now , she have to defend for herself . But she don't want to make him more angry. So she asked calmly ,

Hema : how are you so sure that I spread the news ? 🤨

Spencer: because in this school , no one knows that. Not even my best friends . I trusted you and that's why I told you , but you....

HP : so you considered me as a culprit

SP : then who else will be. It's definitely you .😡

HP : *now hema got mentally breakdown . You !!! Listen , I didn't do that and I can't do that to you . But still u are blaming which is not good for our friendship.

SP : FRIENDSHIP. *He chuckled dramatically. Oh still you think we are friends . It's over !!! It's over between us ... You don't know what happened.. my classmates literally off the light of the washroom and teasing me with some horror sounds , " sp , are u there ? " , " omg! This place is so dark , i guess sp got an heart attack that's why he's is not responding " , " oh really , did SP is really scared of darkness, oh poor boy " , " what he's gonna do now " , you don't know I literally got panic attack due to the fear of the darkness , they were literally teasing ... No no... Not teasing they were bullying me .. it's all because of YOU !!! God !!!
*He grabbed his hair by his hand and shouted so loudly

Hema : oh my god SP ! I'm really sorry , but I swear I didn't do that. Please beleive me . Just tell me who did this to you ? I'll take care of them... And__

Spencer : ENOUGH !!! Please don't... please stop it ... Whatever you did to me is more than enough... Please leave me ... Don't come near me !!! GOD !! I FUCKING HATE YOU . Leave ... Leave me alone . I hate u ... And I hate your face , it's irritating 😡 I don't want your presence near Me😡😡

And that's all for Hema , now everything over . Hema is done with this shit . she can't hear more and she don't want to hear more . So , She just left him alone without saying anything as he said . While coming downstairs, she saw Aryan and she told " SP is in terrace , he is broken down mentally , please take care of him and don't mention my name to him" with that she went from that place...

Maisy and Kaira asked what happened but Hema didn't even open her mouth. She went totally silent. They both were worried of her and called her sister . When Priscella came and asked her what happened she just said "I'm not feeling good, I want to go home , now " with that Priscella got to know that whatever she will  ask she's not gonna tell anything . So she called her parents and got permission from their respective staff and then she send her home with her mother who came to pick her up. Later , Maisy and Kaira told what happened to her , she got literally angry and went to Sp who is still in terrace with Aryan who is calming him.

Priscella : what the hell you just did to my sister ? Tell me !!!

SP : .... *He also didn't open his mouth

Aryan : I'm asking the same after I saw Hema's state but he  didn't tell anything. He's not even opening his mouth.

Priscella : SP !!! You are playing with my patience.

SP : why everyone are supporting her who was the real culprit here afterall . Just WHY ?? Why no one is supporting me... Not even you guys , I thought you were my bestfriends .

Priscella : *she realised what she told . I'm sorry SP. I didn't do it for you to feel like that. I'm sorry !!! But please tell us what just happened between you both. Then only we can help you guys.

Then Sp told everything to their friends who felt guilty of yelling at him... They were angry and worried for him

Priscella : I'm sorry for yelling SP . I'm really sorry but I know my sister won't do like that . She's really a memory loss patient (she smiled and chuckled ) I mean she will forget everything unless or until it's necessary... That's why she will forgive everyone easily.

Aryan : im also sorry SP. But Priscella was right . First , tell me who were the bastards who did this to you. I'll take care of them... Also we'll come to know who did this to you .

Then sp told everything and who were they. Aryan went and fought with them in front of s and Priscella who were trying to stop him...

Aryan : tell me you bastards!!! Why you did this ?? And Who told you that ??

?? : because we don't like him. He's so famous and everyone's view is only on him and also my crush... I really love her but her eyes were only on him. That's why I did it.

Priscella : who told you about his weakness ??

?? : Naveen....

Those 3 were really went  silent and shocked. They didn't expect that. But , more over SP is so shock  for ' how he knows' and also feeling guilty for yelling at Hema.... He knows he did a very big mistake...soon , Naveen entered the spot...soon Aryan grabbed his collor

Aryan : why bro !! Why you did that ? We were like bros ... But how can you do this to him.

Naveen : guys !! Seriously I donno what you were talking about .

Then Aryan explained everything happened . Naveen was shocked hearing this . He looked at his friend SP's condition and felt extremely sad , because of his little mistake so many things happened. And he saw Sam who is the person caused problem to SP.

Naveen : why you did this , Sam ? Why ??? I thought you were concerned about him , that's why I told you .

Sam : .....😶

Naveen : *he ran to Sp and said . I'm sorry SP , I'm really sorry . I didn't expect this . God !!!What I did ??? Sp when the current went during class today morning, I concerned about you , so I mumbled ' oh ! Sp , are u alright ?  ' but it was heard by Sam and he asked what happened to him. I thought he too concerned about  you because everyone loves you so I thought of telling him your problem.... But it turned out something else... I'm really sorry !!! Please forgive me da !!!🥺🥺🥺

Sp : *he was silent for few minutes and asked . How come you know about my weakness??

Naveen : that day I heard you saying that to Hema and I saw how she hold your hands tightly as a protection while your hands are shaking.  I'm really sorry bro . Please forgive me.

SP is in deep thought , it's definitely not about Naveen ... He will forgive him anyhow, it's just misunderstanding of all... But he's scared and guilty to face Hema right now . However he know that he messed up everything and donno how he's gonna do to make everything alright .

What happened to hema though???? We'll We'll see in next episode.🥺☺️

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