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Author's POV: 

During break period , As usual hema spend it in library . For past 6 months , she mostly spend her time here and skipping meals often just to avoid Spencer . While in library , she usually pick some book and randomly she'll read. From that time she like reading books . Reading books became a habit to her .

Today , instead of reading books , she keep on thinking about something. Then a sudden noise of opening the door is heard ! There she saw Vihas .

Librarian: don't make noise in library!!

Vihas : sorry mam , my mistake .

Librarian: ofcourse, yours only ! ( She rolled her eyes in annoyance)

Vihas : shh 🤫 ma'am. Don't make noise in library .

Then he got dead glare from her so he just shut his mouth . Later , Vihas just scratched his head and made his way towards hema .

Vihas : finally, I found you .

Hema : congrats ! For the past 6 months you are searching me . And thank God , you finally found me . ( she rolled her eyes and Vihas just smiled in embarassment)

Vihas : I didn't know , you'll come to library . I don't know you are that kind of person .

Hema : haahaan ! Whatever . What brings you here ?

Vihas : come to canteen ! I'm giving treat to you .

Hema : treat ? For what ?

Oh no ! He didn't prepare for this question. He only doing this because it's his plan to make hema and Spencer to meet again . But this question got him off-guarded . What's he gonna do . Then at a blink an idea came to his intelligent brain .

Vihas : because finally I found your hiding place . So I won ! And we are going to celebrate this 😁

Hema : bro ! What happens to you suddenly.

Vihas : nothing mam ! Come fast before librarian put fine on me for making noise again and again.

Hema : fine I'm coming

Vihas : thank you so much baby 😁😁

Hema : whatever ! Nd Vihas ....They won't put fine for making noise . They'll just push you out of library and never allow you inside .

Vihas : 'fine' is better than that 🙁

Hema just smiled and they made their way to the canteen. While going kaira also joined them . And now Vihas has to give treat to kaira too . His bad ! Finally they reached the canteen , and Vihas asked her to buy whatever she want and for kaira he bought the usuals.

Hema went to counter and she bought her favourite garlic bread. While she waited for her food , she felt someone patted her shoulder . She turned and found Aryan there. She awkwardly smiled at him .

Aryan : Hey , how are you ?

Hema : yeah good ! 'bout you ?

Aryan : never better . Finally , you started coming to canteen .

Hema : haa ! It's just Vihas called me . So ...

Aryan : okay , it's good you are not skipping food today just to avoid us .

Hema : no ! No ! It's not like that. I didn't think to avoid you guys

Aryan : then , what made you to ignore us for the past 6 months. If you want to avoid Spencer , avoid him only hereafter.

Hema  : ( she smiled in embarassment) yeah okay 👍🏻 I got it !!

Aryan : are you still going to avoid him ?

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