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Author's POV:

In this early morning , kaira came to school to have some conversation with Vihas . She want to tell this without Hema's knowledge . That's why she called him earlier and she knows that the Hema girl won't come to school earlier .

Vihas : what happened? Is everything okay ?

Kaira : not okay 😑

Vihas: why ? What happened to you?

Kaira : not me ! But Hema. Listen ! She is really not doing good . She's struggling to complete her project alone. But she's not telling anyone. I can help her but you know I have no such knowledge 😅 so.... You know what to do , right ?

Vihas : yes ! I totally got it.

After half an hour ,

Hema is late as usual . When she headed back to class , she got scolding from staffs too for being late . After getting all scoldings , now she's making her way to her bench . During class , Vihas started talking to her .

Vihas : late as always !

Hema : 😅😅 yeah 😐

Vihas : after yesterday's incident , you and Neddie became so viral in school .

Hema : oh no ! ( She hides her face in palms due to embarassment . This reaction made Vihas to laugh )

Then they started listening the class . They day past like that . In lunch time , they made their way to canteen . There she saw Spencer sitting alone . She wonders why he's sitting alone now . But nonetheless, she didn't do anything instead she made her way to their table .

Spencer's POV:

I was so upset of hurting her . So now I'm waiting for her in canteen , hoping she'll come and talk to me if I sit alone . I waited nearly 10 mins and then I saw her. I was hoping she'll come towards me ,  but instead she didn't even know my existence and made her way towards her table. I wonder what happened just now. Did she unnoticed me ? Or avoiding me ?

Author's POV:

In canteen , Hema was minding her business with her friends and SP too started having his food with his friends . During lunch, Vihas and kaira made eye contact , they signalled something which only they know .

Vihas : Hey , HP

Hema : mmhmm ( she asked with a smile )

Vihas : how was your preparation for the project ?

Hema : ( her smile went ) ye.....ye_yeah ! It's going good .

Vihas : is it ? Then it's good . But I want to spend sometime with you alone so I thought of helping you in the project. But sadly , you are already ready with your project.

Hema : ( suddenly she got excited and relieved at the same time ) yeah ! Yeah !! You can help me . I only did half anyways 😁😁

Vihas : then , I'm happy 😀 we'll plan our occasion for studies .

Hema : okay ! But not in library 😅

For that Vihas nodded his head . Then  he made eye contact with kaira and winked his eyes . Finally , their plan succeed without HP ' s knowledge . After this they finished their food and move to their respective classes .

During class , everyone were listening the class but HP is in another world.  She was thinking about someone who she shouldn't think of.

' hah ! It's really hard not to look at him . Day by day my feelings are overwhelming. It's hurting right near my heart . ' she thought .

In senior's class :

Same like Hema , SP also thinking the same . He knows he messed up something he didn't plan to . And now he don't know how to solve it.

' hema , hema , hema !!! What are you really ? Why I'm always thinking about you ? What's so special in you ? I'm really crazy right now because of you . Maybe , I was wrong. Maybe , I'm really jealous for you ' he keep on thinking about until the class end.

Later in the break period, he made his way to drinking water filter and there he saw HP filling water all alone . He don't want to lose this opportunity, so he started running towards her. But he stopped in midway once he saw Vihas near her.

Again , he's getting jealous just by looking at them together. He slowly made his way towards them without their knowledge.

Vihas : how long , HP ?

Hema : done , Mr.. you don't have a little patience with you , you know that , right ??

Vihas : so what ? Still u like me .

Hema : will you stop flirting with me ( they both laughed with eachother without the concious of some one presence. )

SP really got angry and he started to think that they both were really a thing . He just felt like punching him right in his eyes who's staring at her like that .

Vihas : ok ok . Then when will we start the project ?

This got SP ' s attention . He wonder what project they were talking about.

Hema : you come to my home, Vihas . We'll study there , if that's ok with you ???

Vihas : ( he smiled ) it's absolutely fine . Why you are talking like as if it's my first time coming to your home .

Hema : haha , yeah whatever ! Shall we go ?

Vihas : yes your highness

Vihas bowed to her as a respectful soldiers. She just laughed at him and made their way towards their class .

Now it's time for SP to speak , ' now I got to know , you want to spend time with him so you just ditched me in your project and request him for your project ' he chuckled dramatically ' you are unbelievable, hema . I should talk to you about this ' he smirked and went to his class .

After the school got over , SP started waiting for her in the library because e know that she'll come to take some books .

In library,

Hema is going to library to take some books for her project work . She opened the door , but stood there near the door by seeing SP standing near the door. She freezed in that place don't know what to do .

Hema : Hey senior, what are you doing here ? ( She asked with full shock and saw him smirking at her )

Spencer: I want to talk with you for a while.

Hema : me ? Yeah , sure ! What's the thing ?

SP: why you rejected my tutoring ? Am I that bad in teaching?

Hema : huh ? I.... __ it__It's not like___ that. You are a very goo_d tutor . I just don't want to disturb you in anyways, so I t__hought to stop bugging you .

SP : why you are shuttering, demon ! 😏 Are you lying ?

Hema : what ?? NO !!

SP : then what ? Did I told you that you are disturbing me ?

She shakes her head as no ,  not having words to speak .

SP : then ? Why you think  like that ? I know you are lying . I also know what your plan is .

Hema : ( she was confused ) what ? What you know ??

SP : you want to do your project with someone else who's so special for you , so you just ditched me for that person . Am I right ??

He smirked looking at Hema ' s shock face and it's clear for us to know that it's not going to end soon .

Who all go to library often ? Comment me !!!

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