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Author's POV:
Finally the next day both Sp and hema went to library for the discussion about the project. Soon they started , sooner they got exhausted but still SP really want to help her. He was lately thinking about something and it really disturbed him. But only if he spend some time with Hema, he'll come to know what it is . So , here he is , explaining all the topic which will be helpful for her project.
(Literally after 45 mins )

SP: that's all for today.

Hema : okay ! It's enough i can't take anymore.

SP : why you are speaking in double meaning? 😏

Hema : what ? What double meaning ? Why is your brain is always like that 👀😒

SP : says the one who asked to use my brain for her project.

Hema : okay ! Enough !! Now I'll buy you icecream. Come !!

SP: why ?

Hema : 🤷🏻‍♀️ because you helped me .

SP: okay ! If that's what you want , we'll go .

Then Hema grabbed his hand and forcefully taking him to the nearby parlour. Then Hema ordered only 1 icecream.

SP : why only one ?

Hema : because I won't eat icecream that much 🤷🏻‍♀️

SP : okay ? But why only one .

Hema : 😒😤 because only you are gonna eat and not me.

SP : but why one ? One icecream isn't enough for me. 😕( He pouted like a innocent baby and Hema just rolled her eyes 👀😒)

Hema : what ? 👀 😐 Okay okay... You can buy how much ever you want.

Then SP ordered 3 pack of icecream and ate it at a stretch. Later he thanked her . Suddenly, he hold her hand out of no where , Hema got confused and staring at him who already staring at her. It was past 30 seconds , but neither take their eyes off of each other nor spoke anything. Later , SP broke the eye contact and said,

SP: even though you are dirty minded you have pure heart . I'm happy about that 😊

Hema : 😠 this is the last warning ⚠️ don't call me dirty minded because it's you not me😒

SP: *😂😂 he just laughed . Ok ok I won't mess with you. After you reached home , don't sleep . Do what work I gave for you . Okay ?

Hema : okay sir. See you tomorrow , Until then babye 👋🏻

SP: bye little demon. 👋🏻

They bid bye to each other and went to their respective home . Immediately after reaching home , Hema took her phone and texted her friend about what happened today.

In message 💬

Hema : Hey ! You know what happened today?
We both spend lots of time together and it felt so good .🥰

Kaira : wow ! Tell me how you felt with him.

Hema : it was so good . Each and every minute was good. Even though he touched my nerves and made me angry sometimes, I enjoyed it .

Kaira : oh ! Did something else happened ?

Hema : not so. But before we bid bye , he hold my hands and started staring at me for nearly 30 secs . I donno why ? But really I felt weird feeling inside me. It's really odd. What do you think it is ?

Kaira : i donno what is it for sure. But I guess you started falling in love with him

Hema : what ?? 👀 No way .. love at this age? No... Noway....

Kaira : why not at this age ?? I'm not sure. But you behave like this .🤷🏻‍♀️😒

Hema : whatever! But what you think of him ? Did he feels the same ?

Kaira : I don't know babe . What if you are really in love ?

Hema : 🤷🏻‍♀️ then I'm in love .... That's all..

Kaira : ok babe . But don't get hurt. The word ' love ' itself a game nowadays. Be careful.

Hema : cool babe. Why you are speaking like this ? Like as if I'm in love.

Kaira : may be you are❗Leave it for now ! Atleast take it as a warning ⚠️ that's all .

Hema : I donno what is love babe. But if it is love then you should know that it's really the beautiful feeling . 🥰

Kaira : god ! She started digging for her own graveyard 🪦 please help her 🙏🏻

Hema : 😂😂😂 ok bye babe. I have works to do.

Kaira : okay bye. Take care 👋🏻

Hema : babye 👋🏻 love you 😘

Kaira : 😒😑

End of message 💬

After few hours of finishing her work , she started thinking about him(Spencer) . ' is it really love ? ' She thought and she started blushing like idiot . ' may be it's the love ☺️😊 ' she started talking to herself which was noticed by her brother. " Oh my god ! I have to book one place in mental health care soon for her . She is really converting into a psycho " Jacob blabbered and left to his room.

That day was really good for Hema as she got a nice time and reason to spend with Spencer. This thought was interrupted by sudden notification. She saw who it is ? It's from some new number

In message 💬

unknown : Hi Hema!!

Hema : hello ! Who's this ?

unknown : it's me Naveen .

( Contact saves as Naveen the problem)

Hema : Hey problem! What's up ?

Naveen : nothing . I want one help .

Hema : what help ?

Naveen : you are a dancer , right ?

Hema : yes 💯💯

Naveen : thank God. I want one participant for the dance competition from our team.

Hema : oh ! Am I from ur team ? Oh sh*t . Okay I'll participate because unfortunately you became my friend.

Naveen : when will stop talking like a idiot 😒 give some respect to your senior 😐. Thank you for participating anyways .

Hema : first you behave like a senior then I'll respect. When will be the competition. Is it group or solo?

Naveen : don't worry , it's a group dance . And also the competition is after 5 month. So you have enough time to practice 👍🏻

Hema : ok ok ! Then alright.

Naveen : ok. Then thank you and bye 👋🏻
( Seen at 20.12 )

(At 20.30 )
Naveen : Hey idiot atleast reply my text. 😤

Hema : ok ok 😒 babye 👋🏻

End of text 💬

Ofcourse Hema will dance and also she is a classical dancer. She soon going to complete her dance exam. She have no stage fear if it's about dance. Because at the young age , she started performing in various events . Atleast yearly 10 to 15 times she'll perform in stage.

(Authors to readers : what you guys are thinking about their relationship?is it really love or just infatuation? What about Spencer's feeling

Readers : 😶😶😶

Author : okay then , see you all in next chapter ✌🏻)

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