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Author's POV:

Hema went to Priscella class for some work . When she went near Priscella, she heard another voice who's calling her and it's just Aryan. This caused Priscella to turn and see Hema.

Priscella: Hey ! What are you doing here ?

Hema : you told me you'll give that book today. I want now so I came .

Priscella : oh that book ! Wait I'll give .

While searching books , somebody approached Hema. So she turned and see his loved one eyes ,

Spencer: Hema !

Hema : huh ?

SP : shall we talk for a while in private ?

Hema : huh! Okay 👍🏻

Hema excused herself from her sister and they both went outside the class .

SP : Hema ! Sorry , I was little rude before.

Hema : it's okay ! I understood.

SP: what you understood? You didn't understand anything and that's the problem here.

Hema : what you are speaking ?

SP : just leave it . Can I ask one thing ? What are we ?

This question ! What he's expecting. Hema was stressed by that question. She wanted to tell how she feels for him . But now she can't. She knows he will not like that. She don't want to loose this normal relation with him by her confession. So she thought of lying to him.

Hema : why so sudden ? Huh ? Friends !!!

Spencer : it's good to hear . We should stick on to this. Do you know what I'm telling ?

Hema : no

SP : see ! You are calling me friend but your behaviour is not friendzoned .I don't like others teasing us . So now be clear . We are just friends . Okay ? We'll behave like that. Don't create any drama , i am already stressed and I don't want to get more.

Hema : what I should do now ? I don't understand.

Spencer : we'll be a very good junior and senior . If you want , we  can also be a very good friend. So , we'll behave properly . So that others won't think of us as something else . I want to be like a normal person in school and not some shitty rumor getting boy with anyone . Understood?

Hema : (holding back her tears, she said ' yes' ) but did someone told something ? Anything happened??

SP: yes ! I don't like that. Here we'll start our proper friendship with the handshake.

Hema don't know anything about what's going on but instead she went to shake her hands with him... Before shaking , SP took his hands back which confuses Hema.

SP: we are friends , right ? So we can shake hands with left hand because in scout and guide , they thought us to shake hands with left hand. So ...

SP showed his left hand to her , Hema was full embarrassed to shake hand now . But still she tried with left hand shake . Before she shake her hand , she was pulled by her sister who was observing everything from far. She can clearly see the hurt in Hema's eyes unlike SP.

Priscella : it's time already ! We'll go Hema. You have to attend class.

With that she took Hema to her place and handed the books she asked . And she send back her sister to the other side of the class . SP is standing there dumbfounded. Looking at SP, Priscella made a way towards him .

Priscella: what you both were doing?

SP : nothing ! We were just giving friendly handshake.

Priscella: with left hand .

SP : yes . Why not ?

Priscella: SP you are insulting her , do you know that ?

SP : no I'm not . It's just a handshake. What's wrong in that ?

Priscella : what is wrong ??? Leave it , it's waste of telling you . Remember this ! My sister is really sensitive and overthinker . Please don't hurt her.

SP : i didn't hurt her.

Priscella: just now you did. Why ? What happened to you suddenly? I know it's because you saw Hema and Vihas together, right ?

SP : No !!! ( By hearing their name together, he's really irritated)

Priscella: see ! I can clearly see. You are jealous now . Don't try to hide . Accept it !

SP: no I'm not .

Priscella: (she chuckled ) you can lie to me . It's okay ! But don't lie to yourself. Because of your jealousness, you hurted my sister now. And you made me angry too. Just don't even try talking to her unless or until you ask sorry to her.

SP: why should I ask sorry ?

With that Priscella got really angry . She gave one last death glare and she left from that place leaving SP alone standing there.

Hema's POV :

I'm really stressed now . More than stress , I'm hurt . Today he hurted me so bad . Not even by his behaviour but also by his words. What I did ? Why he insulted me ? I'm sure that he really didn't like me , not even 1 % . How will I see him and treat him as a friend , if I love him this much. I should have listen Kaira's words.

She told me love is Just a game. See soon I fall in love , sooner i got hurt . Even Maisy told me that we are not good for each other.

Now what to do ? How will I behave properly with him now ? I'm hurt , and it's difficult for me to act normal. I can't hide my emotion, it's too much . Soon ,kaira approached me.

Kaira : Hey ! Are you still thinking about what happened before ?

Hema : No ! I'm thinking about what happened the whole damn day.

Kaira : Hema!!

Hema : ( suddenly I started crying ) I don't know what I should do now .

Kaira : I will tell what you should do. Will you obey me ?

Hema : yes ( i nodded my head while sniffing)

Kaira : don't talk to him ! Avoid SP!! It's for your sake I'm telling.

Hema : seriously? You want me to stop talking to him ?

Kaira : yes ! That's what I want . If you keep on talking, neither you can stop loving him nor he will treat you well. He will really hurt you .

Hema : how can I do that ? I can't. It will hurt , if i didn't talk to him.

Kaira : but you will get more hurt if you talk with him. It's for your good I'm telling. Please ! Do this .

Hema : I'll try *sniffing . But I don't know whether I can *sniffing.

Kaira : I'm here ! Don't worry !! Just give a try.

Hema : okay !

After this Hema got some idea and she hugged kaira tightly as if her life depends on this. Kaira too didn't complain. She know it's hard to unlove someone we love wholeheartedly.

( Author : see what happened to them because of SP 's jealous )

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