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Author's POV :

It was the past 3 months after their proposal. And also it was the past 3 months where their friends can't handle those two . Hema told their relationship should be private and it should not be exposed to everyone. Hema only told kaira not Maisy because of some scared stuff . Meanwhile SP frnds knows everything from the very 1st .

Right now what they were doing ? They both were standing infront of the school headmaster . It's not that they were getting punishment. It's the total opposite, they were discussing about the school programme. As we all know , Spencer is good in everything and he's quite famous whereas Hema is actually a good anchor ( also influencer) .

So , now they all were discussing about the programme which is going to be held soon . There were some more staff present. It was quite occupied where everyone were giving their ideas .

But meanwhile , them were making eye contact and smile with shy . And also they were holding hands .

[ Audience: what ? Holding hands ?
Author : yeshh
Audience: in front of headmaster?
Author : yes . These cringy couples have no fear . What to do ? They are so love sick ]

HM : so this is our plan. We'll discuss after the school over.

SP / HP : okay ma'am.

HM : okay ! You can leave now .

After that meeting they made their way outside the office . And they again started holding hands.

HP : you are making us to get caught .

SP : nothing like that will happen . Don't worry .

HP : whatever you say .

SP : Tomorrow we have the whole day together and that too out of our school . We'll make some good time .

HP : yeah , yeah . We are going to the other school and that too our school's main branch . So , it's not that we can roam with no care . We should be careful .

SP : huh !!! I don't like this pretending thing .

She just smiled and bid bye with him . Later went to her respective class . In class ,

Maisy : now a days , you and SP were always together. I don't like that a bit . Please stay away from him .

Kaira : why you don't like ? What's wrong ?

Maisy : I don't like . And Hema should listen to me .

Kaira : don't do overacting. She have some work with him. And that's it .

Maisy : I got it . I should go to washroom. Bye guys .

Hema : hey !

Without listening them Maisy ran from that place . Hema felt really guilty for hiding her secrets .

Kaira : what's wrong with her ? Why is she acting so  strange ?

Hema : just leave it . She'll be alright .

After that day , Maisy didn't approach them and kaira was having some work so she went somewhere. Later , now Hema and Vihas were just simply sitting and doing nothing in class where half of them were not there . Hema felt like she should tell about her  relationship to him .

Hema : I have something to tell you .

Vihas : yeah , tell me anything unless it's about you falling in love with me . Because I consider you as my friend. Sorry !

Hema slaps his chest and rolled her eyes .

Hema : don't worry . It won't happen . Because I have boyfriend now .

Vihas : thank God ! Finally it happened. You both atleast try not to fight with each other from now on . It's SP, right?

Hema : yes it's him . And We won't fight .

Vihas : tomorrow I'm also coming to that school for volunteering.

Hema : wow ! That's nice . Then I have lot of company .

Vihas just smiled at her . Like that the day ends . Right now Hema and Spencer walking to Hema's home because her brother was not there . They were sharing how their day went and little flirting with each other . On the day they committed, Spencer will call her as " babe " . And it will never fail her to blush .

Later that day , she was doing her homework and suddenly a notification came . " Good night , baby . Don't stay awake for long time . Tomorrow we have a big day " .  Even it's just a small message, she blushed hard and rolling on her bed . Later , she replied " okay !  Good night "  .

Then she closes her all stuff and went to sleep . It feels so unreal for both of them for having a person they love with them . The feeling of having our loved one all by ourself is just euphoric . And they were lucky to feel this moment.

Next morning ,
Hema got ready early and packed all her needed stuff . Because today she have work in other school. She took all her stuff and bid bye to their parents and went to her school.

There she saw both Vihas and her boyfriend waiting for her . She smiled and waved her hands at them , then she ran towards them .

Hema : hi guys

SP / Vihas : hi babe / hey !

But something made her to feel that the surrounding is tensed . Both Vihas and SP smiled at her , but still she can tell it's fake . 

Hema : what happened for you both ? Is something happened?

Vihas : No , it_____ ( it was cut by Spencer)

SP: nothing , babe . Everything is alright. Come we'll go. It's getting late.

With that Spencer took Hema and behind them Vihas was following. After that incident, they sat in the bus seat . But Hema can sense the tensed atmosphere between those two guys . But she couldn't get what was that .

Both Spencer and Hema had a very good time together and Vihas didn't approach them. It made Hema to worry . During lunch time , Hema and SP shared the food . And SP behaved like a child and avoiding the veggies in food.

Hema : what is this ? Eat that too

SP: I don't want . I don't like those veggies. ( He fake cried like a baby )

Hema : you are such a baby ! Fine . No need to eat . And also don't talk to me .

SP : why baby ?? ( He whimpered by hugging her hands )

HP: because I don't like people wasting veggies like this . So don't talk to me .

SP : okay okay . Fine , I'll eat ( he told as he lost in this fight )

Hema : good baby . Where is Vihas?

SP: ( again , Spencer expression changed . His voice become rough ) I don't know .

Hema : but he didn't eat anything. Where he went ?

SP : he said he doesn't want to eat because he's not hungry .

HP : is it , so ? But where is he ?

Spencer: Hema ! Hes is not a baby . He knows what he's doing ? Just focus on eating.

For the first time after they started their relationship, Spencer called her by name instead of ' babe ' . This is not normal though. His voice became rough , his expression become scary and his behaviour too was weird . She wonder what happened between these two . Little did she know that they both had a fight .

We'll see in the next episode 😊👋🏻

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