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the next episode begins....

Soon she started searching him everywhere. and while she entered into the class next to competition hall , she heard some familiar voice and she was damn sure it's his voice. Instead of going there , she started eavesdrop him talking with his friend .

Friend : I donno what you are speaking , dude .

SP : she's gonna tease me for sure.

friend : so.... what...?? ( suddenly SP gave a glare ).. no. it's just . it happens daily though I didn't see any difference.

SP :.....

Friend : dude ????

SP : ..

Friend : BROOO !!!!

SP : .

Friend : hey

SP : ..

Friend : yah !!!! tell something

SP : she is here .

by hearing this HP eyes widened and his friend too..... soon Hema came outside to face SP. both Hema and Spencer are literally doing nothing but seeing each other. Then the silence was broken by SP's friend

Friend : I leaving guys... ( and he left the two alone )

SP : see... HP it's just.... ( cutted off by Hema )

HP : are you ready for the bet , dude ? * she smirked

SP : what ?

HP : what what ? u lost , I won . now tell me . are you ready for the bet ???

SP : huh ??? what did I expect from you ? *he sighs

HP : what ?

SP : nothing anyways , tell me what should I owe you ?? (he was little irritated )

HP : *she smiled . Be my friend

SP : *he literally shocked . what ??

HP : just be my friend. and that's your task.. you should do and also you have no choice

he stared at her for few second. later , "I'm honoured to be your friend , princess " he replied. she chuckled and asked " am I a princess ? "

SP : of course . You are the princess of the devil kingdom and I'm sure your sister is the queen .

HP : how dare you ?? you __

it was cutted by Spencer. " okay my friend , where is my treat for your success." he asked

HP : and why I should give u a treat though ?

SP : it's simple because u r my friend .. buddy demon .

he smiled innocently and she shook her head

{ author : isn't it obvious Hema . your mouth is your enemy

HP : I know right ? }

they made the way to the canteen and they had their lunch and yes , its hema's treat so spencer was happy. Soon ,they headed back to their respective classes. Though Hema was happy that there is some name given for their relationship "FRIENDS"

In home , she and Jacob are fighting . but why? what happened this time ?? actually , Hema kept her snack in the table and went to her room . but when she return , it was not there but instead her brother was there. Actually , she have no problem in that because she was already full but the problem is she didn't want to give it to his brother because last time he didn't share his food with her.

HP : This is the last time I'm asking , just tell why you ate my food ?

Jacob : for my handsome face sake , I'm not lying idiot. I DIDN'T ATE YOUR SNACK !!!

HP : then where it went ???huh ??

Jacob : how the fuck I know ??

HP : don't curse Jacob . or else I'll tell Appa that you are cursing and also had my food.

Jacob : I'm not scared of you . go !!! do whatever you want

then Hema was supposed to tell something but someone interrupted them. who it is ? oh it's Mr. Barren , their dad.

Mr. Barren : what is going on here ?

Jacob : appa . she is scolding me for no reason.

Hema : you.... tell him what you did. I'm not a psycho to scold you for no reason.

Jacob : appa . her snack is missing it was on the table over there but now it....___ ( he got interrupted by his dad )

Mr. Barren : yes , it was there

both eyes widened as shock . and they were looking at each other

Jacob : appa. you know ? like where it went ?

Mr. Barren : yeah . you know son that I don't like wasting food . so when I saw that getting wasted .. I ate it to not waste it .

both siblings shut their mouth and looking at each other. " oh okay appa.. I have works to do , I'm leaving " with that Hema started going to her room leaving the pissed off brother . but soon her brother entered the room " now tell me" he told . Hema asked "tell what ?"

Jacob : tell me that you are sorry for scolding your precious brother

HP : why ??

Jacob : I told you that I didn't had your snack. but u still scolded me. now apologise for scolding me un necessarily

HP : sorry I don't have time for that

Jacob : oh really . then what are you busy with?

HP : I'm gonna meditate now to ease my mind

Jacob : * he scoffed. oh god ! just tell that you are gonna sleep . *he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

HP : *she pinched his cheeks. that's my brother. you know me very well.. so don't disturb your sweet sister though.

with that she went to sleep but actually she acted like she went to sleep leaving her brother shouting like a maniac. he got annoyed and went to his room. Soon within that she went to deep sleep . and recharging herself for tomorrow because she know that his little brother definitely complained about her to their mother . So she's preparing for her morning scolding .

soon morning came , like what she expected was actually happened. she got scolding and went to school. while entering school , she saw Spencer and he waved at her . she too waved back with a smile and went to her class . soon class started and everyone are present except one person and that is Vihas. she started wonder 'why he didn't came today ? he won't miss classes though. what might happened ? is he sick ? ' she thought she'll text him and so she did after class. and she got reply like , " I got sick . so I'm not coming today and I donno about tomorrow though. it's depend on my health ". she felt worried and wished him to get well soon.

this episode is ending here.....

what you think about today's episode? is it boring ?

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