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Author 's POV:

It was a dark and wavy night where everyone were in sound sleep except one . That person is cringing about himself of what he did .... It's none other than Spencer. He lost his sleep for someone .

' it's not like I regret what I did but something is making me embarrassed. Maybe she also can't sleep like me ' he was busy in his thought .

Meanwhile in Mr. Barren' s  house ,

There was a full noise of wind blowing and the chiming of tree leaves and full of  insects noise . All these sounds made a little boy to whimper in his sleep. He just woke up and sat on bed with messy hair . He was frustrated that he didn't get sleep and finally made a way towards their parents.

Even their parents were also not sleeping instead discussing something which he didn't want to disturb . So he finally made a way towards another room .

A loud thunder noise was heard inside the room due to the opened window made him little scared . A sound of heavy rain heard all over the room. It further more irritates him but what suprised him was her elder sister.

She is sleeping a death person . She didn't get affect by any of those noise . He just shocked by her dedication on sleep and again went back to his room .

whereas here that poor Spencer thinking about that last incident . he was wondering what he can do to not make it awkward.

Next day ,

As usual the regular day of school , Hema woke up and went to school with her brother. Once they reached the school gate , someone pushed her and made their way straight. She cursed that person in mind and went to her class.

After the 1 St class , she went for break . While walking with her friend Kaira , someone approached them and fell on his knees . Both Hema and Kaira were confused

🗣️ : I'm sorry for pushing you before .

HP : who are you ? What are you talking about ?

🗣️ : morning when you enter the school, I accidentally pushed you and went like that . I'm really sorry for my behaviour.

HP : ohh ! You are that person , okay ? But it's okay . It's not a big deal.

🗣️ : please accept my apology! Please !!!

HP : okay okay ! I forgive you . Now u alright?

🗣️ : thank you so much !!! Don't complain to your boyfriend

HP : what ????

By that the person ran from that place which even more confuses them .

" Wah , enna pangu adhu ? ( What was that dude ? )" Kaira asked . " I don't know really " Hema replied with same vibe .

Later afternoon lunch , they went to cafeteria , where already Maisy waiting for them .

" How long guys ? " Maisy asked in frustration. " Hehe ! Sorry we were just roaming somewhere " kaira replied . " Okay Maisy ! Now we came , right ? Let's dig in " Hema tried to soothen the environment and it worked unfortunately " yeah , yeah sure " .

They went to order their regulars . When they asked the workers their usuals , they already prepared and served the food .

HP : wah ! Food arrived so fast !! Anyways , here's the money

Worker : no need to pay !

HP : why ? Is there any offer today ?

Worker : your boyfriend already paid the amount . So no need to pay ?

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