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Author's POV:

In the early morning, Hema started blushing and smiling for no reason . Yes! It's because she was thinking about Spencer. I think she really started falling for him.

Mrs . Barren: Hey kids ! Come for breakfast!! It's time . Hurry UP !!!

Soon after hearing this voice , in fear they started running downwards. Even Mr. Barren started running for his life. They all know how Mrs. Barren anger is . They started eating and praising the food she made , which makes Mrs. Barren's anger to reduce. After food they started getting ready for school and office . Then , they reached to their respective places. While entering into school , Hema felt something, so lifted her head only to see Spencer standing there .

And here this girl started blushing just by seeing him who is busy talking with his friends. She started thinking about the 1st meet of them and smiling like an idiot without consciousness of the surrounding.

She didn't notice someone is approaching her because in early morning she was daydreaming. Spencer clapped his hand in front of her face to make her come to reality . And so she came back.

SP : in this early morning , you started daydreaming 😂

HP: enough 😐 I wasn't.

SP : yes , you are 😆

HP : whatever ! I'm leaving.

SP : yeah sure ! You can go . Who's blocking you ? 🤷🏻‍♂️😏

HP : ( she glared at him 😠😒 and about to leave )

SP: Hey demon ! ( Hema turned and asked what ? )

SP: did you complete the work that I gave yesterday?

( She nodded her head as yes )

SP: Words kid ! I want words !!

HP: 👀😒 YES !!! I completed

SP : good . Now go to your class, before it's really late 😏

HP : ( she just rolled her eyes in annoyance ) why did I liked a boy like you ? 😒 * She murmured

SP : what ? 🤨

HP : nothing , babye 👋🏻

She ran to her class. After seated in her place , she again started blushing like an idiot for no reason. It was noticed by kaira.

" Did you talked with him and came ? " Kaira asked . Hema was shocked " how did you know ? " . Kaira rolled her eyes " it's clearly showing in your face . " By hearing this , again Hema started blushing . And poor kaira just shakes her head in annoyance and said " not again ! Control babe , we are in class 😒 " . Hema just smiling like an idiot . Kaira just : 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Class started and soon the staff focused went to the certain girl who's smiling like an idiot for no reason. The staff got enough of her and shakes her head as defeat.

Staff : Hema!!! ( Then all focus went to her and she too came out from her dreamland )

Hema : yes ma'am

Staff: I'm really tired of you . You just go and stand outside the class.

Everyone started laughing. Hema went outside the class and standing like a maniac . Soon she heard ma'am is shouting at someone and suddenly another person came and stand outside with Hema . It's none other than Vihas .

Hema : 👀 is it really happening ? The most perfect student is getting punishment. Wah !! ( She clapped her hands and giving suprised look )

Vihas : don't be over dramatic !! I just came out only to give you company. But it's okay ! This kind of feeling also nice . We should experience everything before it's late .

Hema : 😶😶😶 are you serious ? Why though ?

Vihas : I'm doing this just for my friend. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Hema : 🥺 you really touched my heart . You are really best !!!

Vihas : yes ! You are lucky to get a friend like me .

Hema : yes , that's the fact !!!

They both started talking the whole class forgetting the punishment they got . While talking , Naveen walk passed by that way and saw they both. He ran to his class and informed SP about what he saw. By hearing this , Spencer too came to that spot to see what's going on. After seeing Hema and Vihas together , he got angry and went from that place.

(Author : this Naveen is really the problem creator, right ?

Readers : yes , 100 percent )

For some reason , Spencer really can't bear to know that they were together. He wholehearted hate Vihas being with Hema but he doesn't hate Vihas in person. Only he can't see them together , he really don't like that. But Hema doesn't know what's going on here , she was so much into their conversation.

That day was actually nice , no drama after 1 St hour , it went smooth like butter (BTS song ) . But sometimes she will blush and smile by thinking about Spencer but no one noticed.

Now it's time for the project discussion with him . After class end , without any delay she ran to library and sees Spencer already waiting for her.

Hema : hii ! Am I late ?

SP : no. I came earlier cause I didn't attend late hour.

Hema : oh ! Why yo..... ( It was cutted by sp )

SP: okay ! Now come , here are the books you should refer today. Come and see what it is ! Fast !! Fast !!!

Hema : ok ! I'll start now ( she smiled at him but he just nodded his head and didn't even look at her )

After the 10 minutes of studying , Hema got really bored . Because yesterday it was nice studying with him but today he didn't even look at her.

Hema : Spencer !!!

SP : what ??

Hema : are you alright ? You seem little stressed .

SP : I'm alright . By the way , why you care ??

Hema : why can't I ? You are really important person in my life. I know I'm just an irritating girl to you but for me it's different.

SP : who told you that you are not important for me ? If you are not important, then why I'm here spending my quality time with you .

Hema : then why are you behaving like this ? ( She asked with blushing )

SP: it's just that I'm not in good mood .

Hema : oh I'm sorry . Don't worry , we'll finish this soon so that you'll go home and take some rest .

SP : no need of that . I'll take rest here , you read properly and slowly . After completing this , wake me up.

Hema : okay !

After this SP just lay down the bench facing Hema and slowly he closed his eyes. Soon , Hema started reading and feeling some weirdness in her heart. After few minutes ,

SP: am I really important to you ?

Hema : ( at first she got scared by sudden voice and later she was confused , why did he asked this ? ) YES !!!

SP: more than Vihas ???

Here Hema got confused about why he's mentioning him. But we all can clearly see the jealous in his eyes though. It's clean and clear .

( SP to author : how many times I should tell you that I'm not jealous?

Author and readers : 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️😐🤦🏻‍♀️

SP : and please don't tell her like this ...

Author : that we'll see in next chapter)

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