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Let's begin with the other episode...

the class started but her concentration is not there. she was thinking something else. Suddenly , a paper ball thrown to her making her came to reality . She took that paper and notice her friend Kaira who threw the paper . and she signed her to read the paper. And Hema did the same . ' shall we go to the nearby café tomorrow. I want to ask a lot of questions to you. ' Hema red and nodded her head as an answer to her friend.

In canteen ,

Hema , Kaira and Maisy were talking , actually gossiping about a girl from their class . Her name is 'YARA ' . They were talking , gossiping , eating their snack and nicely enjoying with each other . Suddenly, Pricella came and sat with them .

Priscella : hey , I want some help guys .

HP : what kind of help ?

Priscella : actually , I want a volunteer to some science project. it's not that you should do works , I just need people to accompany me . understood ??

after finishing her explanation she turned to look at them , they 3 were innocently looking and blinking at her. by their expression Priscella got to know that they didn't understood anything . so she again explained them.

Priscella : we are going to other school to submit our project but the problem is they want 7 members in one team . but in my team only 4 members are there . so , I want you guys to help me .

Maisy : ohh ! you want us ( pointing 3 of them to Priscella ) to help you in project ?

Priscella : she chuckled . it is a question or an answer. Anyways , " yes " I want you guys.

Kaira : it's not good .... you are having more faith in us... I think....

Hema : yesh !!!

Priscella : come on , it's nothing im asking you guys . I just need member for doing nothing .

they looked at each other and agreed anyhow...

Then Priscella told them to meet after the class in library for the team discussion and went to her class....these 3 bunked the class and went to cafe because tomorrow they have this so called project work....

Time skips....

They all were gathered in the library except those three...

Priscella: hahh !!! Why I selected them .... God where the hell are they ???

Aryan : who are they ?? Atleast tell us because we have rights to know our team mates...

Priscella : just calm down drama queen , you are more dramatic than my sister... And for your question, you'll know when they'll come here...

?? : fyn . Enough of shouting guys ....

Aryan : okay Mr. Perfect.... 👀😒

Then , they library door was slowly opened and finally they 3 entered the discussion room...

Hema : sorry for our late guys.....(then she looked up to see their team mates...she shocked ) whh--what ? YOUUUU !!!!!

?? : are you serious Priscella. U asked her for the help ... Seriously ??? (He rolled his eyes .)👀😒

Hema : hello Mr . Spencer , why ? what is wrong in that ? 🤨

SP : *he scoffed . Did you just said what is WRONG ???? Well we'll come to know what's wrong in that .... Just wait and see....

Priscella : goddd!!! Enough guys .... Just SHUT UP !!!! Will you ???

soon the next day , Priscella starts explaining everything in school van where they were travelling to the destination. then , those 3 agreed everything they told them to do. they started preparing everything . All were doing their works silently . Priscella thought ' its not bad to have them all together ' . it's nice working with them. but Priscella doesn't know it's only for few minutes.


" HEMA !!! DONT BREAK MY CAMERA " SP is yelling at her like anything .

" I WAS ONLY TOUCHING IT !" Hp defending herself , an innocent expression plastered on her face.

" YOU ARE SMASHING IT AGAINST THE WINDOW ! HOW THE FUCK IS THAT TOUCHING?" he snatched his camera back , glaring at the culprit who rolled her eyes at the extremely poor attempt of intimating him.

suddenly , " GUYS ! WE WILL MISS THE FLIGHT " Aryan intervening earning weird looks from his friends .

" WE DON'T HAVE FLIGHT ! " the potential driver reminded the obvious boy who just scratched in his neck in embarrassment

"right " Aryan sat deflated in his seat.

" BRO ! THIS KAIRA IS TRYING TO KILL ME " Other boy named Naveen also their teammate shouted


" HE SMACKED ME " Kaira told literally yelled

" IT WAS AN ACCIDENT " Naveen yelled


Maisy took a deep breath , eyes closed , keeping her composure . Finally the destination arrived . Once the van stopped , the driver was the only one who opened the door and ran away from them . Later they arrived at the project conducting place and same like them many schools participated there. Spencer was feeling uncomfortable which was not unnoticed by Hema

HP: what happened ? you look so uncomfortable .

SP : nothing....

HP : u can share anything to me .but only if u want . I won't judge u 👍🏻

SP : actually i'm scared of darkness. And this place is so dark.  please don't tell anyone that i'm scared of dark. Please Hema , I'm really scared.

she can see the trembling hand of his when he's talking . so she hold his hand with her and said nothing.

after few minutes the lights were on. Now , they started giving their presentation. soon , it ended so well but still result is not announced. they should wait till tomorrow for the final result of the project. So they went back to school and the result thing will be taken care by the school management .

once they reached the school , those 7 went to nearby café and enjoyed for a while and later bid bye to each other and they went to their respective home.

next day morning , As usual regular school started . Hema and her friends went to their 1st period . After during the break time , those 3 were roaming the school and gossiping some shits.. suddenly they got interrupted by someone

HP : hey , SP . *she waved her hand and smiled .

SP : I believed you . But you ? you showed your TRUE FACE !!

SP suddenly bursted at her making the 3 girls flinched by his voice . But They can also the tears in his eyes . Still HP was confused about what's he talking about

HP : what I did Spencer ? 😕

SP : Don't you dare to call me that... you have no rights to call me that . Don't ever show your face to me hereafter , it's irritating .

HP : but....🥺

SP : just SHUT UP !!! *his tears were flowing on his chin

[ readers : what might happened ???

author : we'll see in next chapter ]

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