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Author's POV:

That day Hema cried and slept . The next day started , and Hema couldn't move her body , she felt like her body was so heavy . After a while , her mother  arrived and called her but she couldn't move a bit so she just stayed silent . Her mother came near her and saw her so sick . She checked the temperature and it was 103. 6 ° F . She got a high fever .

Then her mother made her sleep for a while and made porridge for her . After she fed the food , she gave medication and made her sleep again .

After a few hours , she opened her eyes it was dark but her body was still heavy . She wonders if she is still sick but then she got to know . She is not sick but heavy because her little brother is lying above her .

Hema : hey idiot . Wake up !!! Haah so heavy !! Buffalo

Jacob : 5 more minutes !!!

Hema : huh ! Mom Mom !!! Mom !!

After that , her mom ran and entered the room and asked what happened only to see her brother lying above her .

Mrs. Barren  : hey ! Hey idiot ! Leave her .

Jacob : ( fake cried ) ha... Why is everyone spoiling my pretty dream !

Mrs. Barren : what are you doing here ?

Jacob : you told me to take care of her. So I'm doing .

Mrs. Barren : then why were lying above her , idiot ! She's a girl ! Did you forget that .

Jacob : mom ! I did it so that she won't escape from here .

Hema : then why the hell I will escape ?

Jacob : you won't escape in consciousness but you'll walk in sleep. Did you forget ?

Hema : whatever !!

Mrs. Barren : enough both . Now both fresh up and come for dinner .

Hema / Barren : okayy mom .

She totally forgot that she was ill a  while ago . And ran for dinner .

On the other hand ,

SP 's POV :

I'm so messed up. What should I do now ? I should have explain to her that day itself . But today , she didn't come to school. What to do ? I didn't love anyone , I just wanted to make her jealous. But what happened was total opposite. Why she accepted so easily .

Atleast tomorrow, I should meet her . But what I'll tell . Whatever I tell she won't beleive me . I totally messed up everything. God ! It's over ... Our story over . I didn't expect that .

Next morning,

Author's POV:

The day was quite calm and pleasant . It takes Hema half an hour to reach school because of his brother. He want something, for that they were roaming around . Finally , the class started it was quite good . She listened the class and she took notes . Sometimes she get Spencer thought , and starts to miss him ' no Hema ! No ! He's not yours  . Stop ! ' .

She always do that but later she she'll cry in silent . But she is not willing to show any of these things to other . She will only her happy side .

Now in the afternoon , Hema went to washroom. While washing hands , she heard sobbing sound . And that sound is quite familiar . She went to see who it is .

Hema : Maisy ? ( Once she heard hema's voice . She turned and hugged her )

Maisy : Hema ! He broke up with me telling he didn't have any feelings for me . What should I do ?

Hema : what ? Why did he do that ?

Maisy : I don't know . Did I done anything anything wrong ? I messed up my relationship.

Hema : no ! No ! See ! See my eyes ! Don't worry . Okay ? Everything happens for a reason . We'll come to know what is it . Okay ? Now wipe the tears . We'll ask help .

Maisy : okay

Later they told everything to kaira . And kaira was boiling in anger. He broke her both friends heart .

Kaira : come ! We should go right now and talk about this .

Maisy : yes . I want to know the reason .

Hema : I can't come . Kaira please handle this situation for me .

Kaira : ( she understood the situation) okay !!

Later , few minutes . They came and Hema asked about what happened. But kaira didn't tell anything. She just told , she scolded him and came. And didn't ask anything because she didn't want to know anything about him .

Kaira's POV :

Oh god ! How will I tell you Hema ? That he broke up with Maisy because he love you and only you . How will I tell that he wants you back ? How will I tell he  want to see you ? I can't tell after seeing you all weak that day . It's better to keep this secret with me .

I know if I do this , I'll be the villain in your love story . But I happy to play the villain role in this story. I can't allow you both to be together. I'm sorry Hema. I'm doing this for your own sake . I don't want him to be with you . Now , I'm ready to end your story right here . Your love story ends right here Hema.

Spencer POV:

I waited for half and hour but no one arrived . I told kaira to tell Hema to meet here . But why she didn't come here yet . Oh god ! It's driving me crazy .

After few minutes , I saw kaira coming towards me . But only her , where is Hema ?

SP : where is she ?

Kaira : she don't want to see you anymore it seems . I told what you told me to tell. But this time she lost her feelings for you . Now she's ready to move on . And she told me to tell you that you also should try to move on. It's over Spencer .

SP : what ? What are you even saying?

Kaira : don't disturb my friend, Spencer . Just go away from her life . Good bye 👋🏻

She just went like that but I can't digest things . I will never beleive that , I waited for her still more .....I will wait for her here until she comes to me 

With that I waited , waited and waited ... Waited for minutes , waited for hours , days , months and years passed by .....


Hello ! I'm Spencer . Yeah the same boy but little older . Now in the present , I'm working in my clinic . I mastered in mbbs a year ago . Now , I have my own clinic and it's doing good . As always I'm doing well .

Where did I stopped my story ? Haa yeah , 8 years ago I waited for my lover . It's been 8 years , I haven't seen her. After that day , I had my final exam and later that my school days completed  . I went to the medical University, and now I have my own clinic .

I haven't seen her after that . It's been 8 years . And what you guys were thinking? Am I still in love with her ? Absolutely no . I moved on from her .

It's been so long but I moved on from her . I let her go from my heart . It's just my first love , right ? Now I just wonder what she's doing in her life . Can you search her for me ?

I think we fast forwarded and came to future 😅 we'll see what will happen next ✌🏻 !!

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