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My another favourite song 😁😁😁

Spencer's POV :

After coming from Hema's home , I was so tired.. so I thought of sleeping for a while. But when I tried to sleep , I can't sleep . It started frustrating me . I donno what to do so I called Priscella to ask about her. Soonafter 15 mins , Priscella called me and told about the conversation between them . It makes me more frustrated and with this condition I know I can't sleep . So I directly headed to Hema's house to meet her. It takes 20 mins to reach her home . And I asked her brother who came back from the keyboard class. He told that she didn't headed home yet. Now , I'm really worried. I want to see her.

I want her forgiveness. I want to make everything right. I want to be friend with her. But , I have no idea how I'll do this. I thought of waiting for her for a while. And here I am , waiting for her outside the house.

Hema's POV :

God ! What he want now ? Why he's here. How I'll go home , now . He should not see me . He told not to show my presence near him. I have to go somewhere else. But it's already late , if I didn't go inside the house then I should face other version of my mom.

'Think hema ! What to do ? ' I told to myself . Now the only option is to go to the backside of the house and I should climb the wall and jump. God ! Take care of me . I slowly went to the backside of the house . I started climbing the wall but it's too difficult. Somehow , I manage to climb the wall but I donno how to get down from here. ' god now I stucked here . Where is my luck , fairy godmother 🥺😭 ' ' please help me , I'm scared of heights ' .

I heard some noice so I turned and see what it is . It's none other than my brother. ' Thank God 🙏🏻 , u heard my voice ' and i waved hands to my brother asking him to focus on me.

Jacob: what the hell ?

HP : first help me .

Jacob : how did you climb this much up ?

HP : I'll tell everything. First , help me

Jacob : and why should I ? 😏

HP : god , just help me idiot . I'm fucking stucked here for 10 mins .

Jacob : are you asking help to me ? Or ordering me ? 🤨

HP : oh god .... Please ... Please help your sister to come down .

Jacob : Haan . That sounds pleasure to hear ☺️😌

HP : so what are we going to do now ?

Jacob : nothing . Just jump . I'll catch you

HP : are you fucking serious ?? Idiot . Think something.

Jacob : then if you have any idea , you do it by yourself .

HP : this is not the time to argue... We'll just go on with your plan.

Jacob : good . Just wait a minute.

He went to take something . After few seconds he comes with the cotton bundle .

HP : from where you got this ??

Jacob : from neighbour's house.

Hema was shocked that her brother stole something from the neighbours and telling it like a casual thing. But right now she is in no mood to argue , she have to come down.

HP : okay , now what to do ?

Jacob : dance 🤦🏻‍♀️

HP : huh ?

Jacob : what else idiot, just JUMP !!!

By that loud voices, she jumped without the second thought. She jumped on the cotton bundle. Moreover no injuries to her , but her hip got sprained.

She was in pain due to sprain and made her way to her room. Once she entered the room , she opened the window . She still sees SP in the same spot . She was literally shocked by seeing him. It was already 9 . Also she worried about him . But she dont want to see him. So she asked his brother to send him . Soon , Jacob went outside the house and made his way towards sp

Jacob : bro , why are you still here?

SP:'s's just...

Jacob : are you perhaps waiting for my sister. If it's so , please don't wait for her.

SP : why ? What happened?

Jacob : it's just that she is not coming home. She's staying in her cousin's home. It's better to leave . It's already late bro. Go and take rest

SP: oh ! Thank you for your information. Just if your sister back home , tell her that 'i am sorry for everything ' .

Jacob was shocked because the person in front of him is the most famous person in the entire school. Even more girls are dying to talk to him and boys too. Every staffs favourite special boy is asking sorry to her sister. But nonetheless, he nodded his head as a ' yes '.

SP: ok ! I'll be going then . Bye , good night 👋🏻

Jacob : good night ☺️

Spencer's POV:

I know Jacob is lying to me . I know she is inside the home .I saw her near that window . It's definitely her. But she didn't want to see me. Why ? Did I make such a big mistake. ? I want you to forgive me Hema. Please . Now I'm REGRETting everything I did to you.

I want to see her tomorrow and tell sorry to her until she forgive me. ' Till then , good night hema ! Please forgive me '

Next day morning ,

Author's POV :

As usual early morning everyone woke up and went to school. Soon , everyone started entering school. A while later , the prayer started and after that everyone made their way to class . In class , the 1st period started ,

Aryan : bro ...

SP: ....

Aryan : hey

Sp : ...

Aryan : Bro , STAFF IS CALLING YOU!!! ( By hearing this words , sp came back to reality . suddenly stands up and told...)

SP: present mam...

The whole class starring at him confusingly , mean while Aryan is dying out of laughter. With this SP understood what just happened . He got scolding from staff later the staff asked him to sit

SP : what the fuck is this ??

Aryan : I was calling you for so many times but you were in another world . So I did this

SP: 😒😒

Aryan : anyways are you thinking about her ?

SP: then who else I'll think of now ??

Aryan : ok dude . We'll meet and ask sorry to her in the break .

SP: and yes . We should !!!

After the end of 1st period , they made the way to juniors class along with Naveen . Soon , they reached the class . When they reached there , they saw kaira outside. They went and asked about Hema but she replied...

Kaira: she didn't come to school today 😔

Aryan : what ??? You know why ??

Kaira : I don't know 😕

The silence surrounded them . But for SP more voice is hearing in his head. He stressed up. With this , he know that he REGRET everything that happened yesterday. In that silence they went back to their remaining classes.

That's all for today ... ☺️👋🏻... Babye .

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