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please ignore the mistake...<3

Today is the big day for HP and she is little nervous too. she don't want to mess up . yes, not for her but atleast for Vihas sake she has to perform well . And soon , she had breakfast and went alone to school. once she entered the school campus , she felt like all her anxiousness went away just because of the person she met now. That person is none other than SP.

They both stared for a while until he started approaching her. " hii.." he exclaimed and she replied the same.

"ahh... all the best then don't get nervous and perform well" he said shyly which made HP chuckle at the comment. " yeah ! you too. all the best " she smiled. " I am seeing you so early today after a long time... I guess" he said . " yeah.. I am little nervous so I can't stay in one place and I came here priorly just to relax " she shrugged.

"hey , don't be so nervous it's just a competition. and I know you can do well" he told . HP thinks he's making fun of her and looked at him. but she sees the sincerity in his eyes which made her to believe he's telling truth.

"Thank you , anyways why are you so earlier ? " She asked. " This is the first time u came so early , that's why you don't know that I always come at this time " he laughed. "Really , it's so early for everyday" hp said and sp just shrugged.

"Okay, let's make a bet , the loser should listen to the winner " sp exclaimed and waited for her reply but got no response. " Okay , thanks for your acceptance, we'll meet after the competition, anyhow I know that I'm gonna win but still let's wait for real " he told. " Hey, when did I accept your bet... You...uh ..... Hey, where r u going ? punk .....I'm talking here.... Hey st....stop" while hp is talking , sp didn't listen instead he ran away

soon everyone started coming .. and the time of competition finally came.. everyone preparing and discussing about the competition . meanwhile

VIHAS: hey , what happened ?

HEMA: I feel sick to my stomach... i'll go washroom and come.

and when Hema started running , Vihas hold her hand and pulled her towards him. then he hold her hand and told her to look into his eyes. Hema did the same

VIHAS: see . look at me clearly. I'm also scared . Not only me , look at everyone . Every participants are anxious. The only thing is how you are going to overcome your fear . How you are going to face this . Be confidence and believe yourself HP . I know you can do it.

HEMA: you think , I can do this ? (she asked with her puppy eyes and he chuckled )

VIHAS : yes , I know you can do this ! we can do this!! Even if we lose.. no problem .. we'll try next time . okay?

HEMA: what ??? no , you should not lose. you did lot of hardwork. ( Vihas look at her suspiciously )

VIHAS : HP... perhaps , are you afraid of losing because of me ?

HEMA: h...huh...????'s not....likkeee....

VIHAS: HP to be honest . I don't care about this competition at all . seriously!

HEMA: huh? then why?.... ok ok never mind.. : )

VIHAS: I know what's going in your mind . HP .....👀



HEMA: Huh??

VIHAS: HP when I register my name in this competition , my only motto is to spend some time with you .. that's why I asked you... (he shyly scratched his neck and waited for her reply )

HEMA: ( she chuckled at this cuteness ) cute !!! now I understood why you didn't scold me when I distracted you while studying....(she laughed)

VIHAS: *he too laughed . yeah ! I too wanted to get distracted by you.

HEMA: I don't know what happened . but now I got some confidence on me *she smiled

VIHAS : *he too smiled. yeah , good then . we'll try our best.

somehow he gave some confidence to her.. they were talking like this and both didn't notice someone is listening them. its none other than Spencer. spencer thought 'how his motivation is better than mine '.

[readers: are you perhaps jealous Mr.?

SP: huh ? mee ? why i have to be jealous ? hahaha ]

soon the competition starts .. before entering the hall... both SP and HP accidentally made eye contacted.. they smiled and SP gave thumbs up to her bcz she's gonna participate 1st .. after her's only SP's will start.

after half and hour all came outside the hall.... and everyone waiting for their expression... HP and Vihas came with blank face... SP ran to Hema and he asked while breathing heavily " hey, what happened ? "

HEMA: ....

SP: hey , its ok. don't worry. its your 1st time.. we'll see nex....

HP: We won

SP: huh?

HP : ( she finally looked at him and told ) We won (with a shock face )

SP: ( after hearing this , SP breath properly.) hey demon... u seriously gave me heart attack by your expression... wow! I told you , right ? I know you'll win. congrats my little demon

HP: (she showed her bright smile) I still can't believe we won...thank you SP for believing me..

VIHAS (out of no where he came) : I know you can do this (he told while caressing HP's hair)

but he didn't notice someone is burning out of jealous by Vihas action...

[ SP to author : I told you all , right ? I AM NOT JEALOUS !!!!

Author and readers : ok ok dude , calm go to story , don't come here again like this ]

while Vihas and HP talking , SP was standing there like maniac...suddenly,

HP: hey SP !

SP: huh??

HP: Are you alright ???

SP: huh? yes yes , i'm gud

HP: anyways , all the best.... do well and don't forget our bet ...if u lose, then u know what will happen..(she smirks)

SP: *SP scoffed . ohh! you already won.. that's why you are teasing me now.... wait here, I'll deal with you after my competition.

HP: yeah yeAH I'm waiting for you... you go inside 1st... all the best... bye bye....

she pushed him towards door... and wished him luck they waved at each other and soon the competition took really 1 hour for the competition to end....and everyone waited for participants soon one team came with bright smile... and everyone got to know the result . After knowing , SP didn't make it.. she felt bad and sad but decide not to show him.. she waited for him...but still no trace of him is seen...

finally , after a long I'm posting this episode..... sorry guys its because I had my exams..

I'll update on time the next episode...

have a great day guys.....

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