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Author's POV :

Our poor hema don't know whats actually going on . She stared at him without blinking her eyes and so confused to speak .

SP: I asked you something. And I want the answer.

Hema : what you are talking ? I don't understand anything.

SP: you ditched me for your lover boy Vihas , right ? Don't lie this time . I know you are doing project with HIM !!! ( Spencer is so scary right now , he started shouting at her . He grabbed her hand and forcefully taking her out of library were no one could see them . )


Hema : SP ! Listen !! I'm feeling like I'm troubling you .  Now a days , I'm so uncomfortable with you . Why can't you understand me !! Why you keep on mentioning his name. What he's doing between us ? I don't get it . I don't understand why you are behaving like this 🙁

SP: did I told you that you are troubling me ? Why ? What did I do ? He .. he's the one behind all the problem between us .

Hema : enough !!! It's enough !!! Don't ever try to mention his name again .

SP : why ? Is it hurting you ? Ofcourse it will... Because he is your boyfriend, right ?

Hema : ENOUGH !!! He can never be my boyfriend. Got it !! Just shut the fuck up. I don't want to be attached with you , it's hurting me .. that's why I left . And that's all , SP.

SP : why ? What happened to you suddenly? Is it because that I spoke like that on that day ?? If yes , I'm extremely sorry Hema. I was not in right m.....

Hema : Spencer! Please stop. Let's not talk about it . Leave it right here . I'm leaving ( with that Hema made her way out off the school )

SP : NO !! You should not !  I want the normal us. Please , let's forget everything and go back to normal ( hema was silent for sometime and keep on progressing the things )

Hema : I can't ! Please understand that I'm not comfortable with you.

SP: why ? What I did really ? I just want you to be my friend. What is wrong with that ?

Hema : THAT IS !! That's the actual fucking problem , SP. I can't be friend with you .

SP: why ? Am I not worth  it ?

Hema : no , its not about you ... It's about me . Please stop right here !!

SP : I won't ! I want the exact reason .

Hema : I won't tell...and I'm leaving

She started leaving him there and moving right to the door but suddenly SP grabbed her hand and pull her towards him .

SP : please tell me !

Hema : STOP !!

SP: I want to know the reason

HP : no , you shouldn't.

SP : I. WANT . TO . KNOW !!!

HP: Spencer , leave me !! It's hurting!!!

SP: okay , I'll ask your boyfriend then .

HP : are you mad ?

SP: YES !! Just because of YOU !! I want to know why you don't want to be my friend. Why ? Is it because I'm boring ? Or because you are having fun with someone else ... Tell me . What is th_____

A sudden sound made everything stops for a while. SP is holding his cheeks and straight looking at the girl who slapped him. The tears flowing in Hema's eyes . It breaks SP's heart . But still he stared at the deadly red eyes full of tears without blinking.

Hema : ENOUGH!!! What is your actual problem ? You want to know why I'm ignoring you , right ? Then know this , I'm ignoring you because I'm fucking IN LOVE WITH YOU SPENCER!!!

A silence surround the place . Both of them staring at each other with different emotions which is unexplainable.

Hema : and I know u don't like those kind of shit feeling and moreover you don't believe that . So it's my waste of explaining you . I tried to hide my feelings and just act like being your friend. But , seriously I failed. I can't see you in any other way except love . Whatever I'm speaking now , sounds like joke to you , am I right ??

SP don't know what to reply . He was not ready for this. He had something in his mind but something different happened here . He is still processing what's the actual hell is going on right now .

Hema : Spencer ! So , please don't approach me hereafter. I'm trying to forget my feelings , if I'm with you it won't happen . I'm sorry for not being a good friend. I know I'm bad for you . And that's why I'm leaving ! Leaving you ! Leaving everything about you right here !!! I'm really sorry for messing up your life with my shits . I'm sorry !

SP : hema ...

Hema : you don't need to tell anything . I shouldn't have told you this . But you made me angry . I'm sorry senior .

SP : if you love me , why you are calling me senior ?

Hema : because , now we are not friends . And you only told that we can be a good junior and senior . So I'm trying that . I can be your very good junior . And that's the only relationship between us hereafter , nothing more . So SP , I'm leaving really . Bye 👋🏻 thanks for your beautiful memory .

Without wasting any time , she ran from that place . It's really worst to propose him like that . But she can't do anything that time . And now she's running , she's running to not feel that pain in her chest . But it's increasing.  At some point she stopped and starting crying. She had enough of today and she's tired as hell . She slowly wiped her tears and made her way to home .

Spencer POV:

What the hell happened ? God !! Is it true or am I dreaming ? It should not be true . She shouldn't have love me ! She shouldn't do that . What's happening ? Haah !! My head is paining like hell !! What should I do ?

It's better for us to leave each other . But she hurted so much . How come I didn't see her pain ? It's enough now . Whatever she told was right.

We both should distance ourself for our own sake . It's better to stop right here . But why it's hurting so bad . Why hema ? Why you loved me ? Why can't you be friend with me ?

After so many years , I felt like I found someone better for me to take care of . After all my trauma from relative , I felt relieved and comfort with you . But same like them , now you too left me .

Now where will I find my comfort? To Whom will I show my ownself ? My original side ? You too went just like them . Now , again I should go back to normal like a living stone . Now , I only trust my parents . They are enough for me and they won't leave me like you guys . I shouldn't have met you ? Now again I should change and go back to how I was .

It's really an unexpected things happened just now . I thought he'll not let her go . But how fast he let her go . Maybe that's what good for them !!

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