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Author's POV :

Later they all had food together , they spoke about everyone's experience. What and all they did . It was nice roasting each other and having fun .

But all Spencer observed was Hema . He observed that she became so silent , calm , and she didn't share any of her experience. She didn't even open her mouth to say something. It bothers Spencer .

After the time , Hema was getting some fresh air near a big tree outside the venue. Spencer took the chance and went near her .

SP: hey ! ( She turned and smiled softly)

HP : hii

Then they both stand there and observe the soft breeze passing their face . She felt cold so she rubbed her both arms with hand . By observing this , Spencer removed his blazer and placed it on her .

Hema : thank you !

SP : it's okay .

Hema : I'm sorry that you waited for me that day. I didn't know that Kaira lied to me .

SP : what ? She lied ? That brat ! Lied to me too . I'll deal with her later .

Hema : why to worry ? It's over anyways and it's long back .

SP : yeah ! Correct point .

Again a long silence surrounds them and Spencer want to speak but don't know how to speak . But before his try , Hema started ,

Hema : do you have girlfriend?

SP : what ? no !!

Hema : ohhh ... ( She again went back to see the nature )

SP : do you ?

Hema : huh ?

SP : do you have any ?

Hema : no ! No !! None .

Spencer : okay ! Can I ask you something?

Hema : yes .

They made eye contact and she smiled a bit in assurance allowing him to ask whatever he want.

SP: are you okay ?

That one question, made her smile whole vanished . She stare at him emotionlessly .

Hema : I'm good .

SP : you changed a lot . You are not that naughty , blabbering , talkative , arrogant , cute ,drama queen  little Hema. You became so silent , and just silent .

Hema : it's good only , right ? Now I'm not causing any scene .

SP : I didn't mean like that ... I just ___

Priscella: Hema !!!

Then priscella arrived there in time and Hema let out a big sigh .

Priscella: I searched you everywhere . Finally I found you .

Hema : what happened?

Priscella: it's time . Good and take your medication.

Hema : oh ! Okay . I'll go right now.

After Hema ran from that place . Spencer was so confused . What medication? His mind occupied with the word medication. He just stared at her friend not knowing whether to ask or not .

Priscella: I know what's going on in your mind .

SP : please tell me then . It's frustrating.

Priscella: I'll tell but don't tell her that I did.

SP : okay okay.

Priscella: for the past 4 years , shes taking her anti depressive drugs . She is suffering from PTSD ( depression) .

Spencer was shocked by hearing this , he didn't expect this .

SP : am I the reason?

Priscella: no ! You are not . She gone through a lot . A lot of betrayal , heart breaks and also when she was in her higher secondary. She transferred to new school . There it started. She was both physically and mentally abused by some boys . And them made her to go to bar to buy drinks for them . They blackmailed her . They tortured her by giving lot of task . And one try to bad touch her but thank God she was strong enough to fight back against them .

Priscella: but after that she completed her studies , she went to university she liked a person a lot and thought that person will change her life back to normal but that one betrayed her. By this lot of circumstances, once she collapsed in the middle of the  road where she was almost there to get hit by the car.

SP : what ? Why I didn't know anything?

Priscella: that collapse made her life changed . Once we took her to hospital, it was found that she nearly had 15 to 20 panic attacks in a year . And later diagnosed as PTSD.

Spencer eyes blurred with tears and can't find the words to speak . He stayed silent .

Priscella: we all were trying so bad to bring back her happiness but we failed each time .

After a while ,

Priscella: if possible, you too try once .

Spencer: how can I ? A memory with me is a hell tragic to her .

Priscella: no way ! She didn't move on I guess. In my observation, she still has something for you . Only if you want , you can try .

After that priscella went , Spencer can't control his tears . It's flowing non stop. After a while , he calm down and felt someone tapped him. He turned and saw Hema. She is giving something to him.

Hema : here ! Your blazer. Thank you for this .

SP : oh , yeah . It's fine .

Hema : are you leaving?

SP : no ! But can I have any possibility to do something to make you smile . I want to see that old smile.

Hema waited for a while . And started at him expressionlessly .

Hema : I have one wish . Will you do that ?

SP: yeah , yeah . Sure. I'll do anything for you .

Hema : ( she just smiled ) I just want a proper break up .

SP ; what ?

Hema : we both have a past . We got seperated by the situation but not by person . I want you to breakup with me in person .

SP : is that what you want ?

Hema : yeah . Then we can restart the thing. Right ?

A small hope in Spencer made him to beleive that she will be his . With that he have hope that after break up , they can try or re-start their story in a new way . So , he accepted the request .

Hema : okay ! Then we'll meet after everyone left. I have something for you. But as for now , bye ! I'll go inside .

SP : bye

After she went inside , a lot of thoughts surrounds him  . But he want make everything right . He want to make her happy like before. He wants to open up his feelings to her. He hope that he can finally tell her that he loves her . But today was not the right day. So as for now he's ready to help for her request but Spencer is not okay with that request for a little bit .

What do you think ? Will they be back together or not ? .
It's okay guys . Next episode is the final one . Enjoy 👋🏻

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