Chapter -1

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Luca PoV -
"Marco make sure everything is perfect there and please just tell Joshua to look in aisle if there is a bomb or something."

You might be thinking whose wedding it is and why the hell I am getting scared of it getting destroyed Because We are in Mafia and being in a Mafia mean having many enemies who would love to spoil our life And I don't want My Older Brother Alessandro wedding to be spoiled because of this danger

"Aurora What are you doing here with Marco go and check on Bianca and she if she is ready or not go "

"How the hell can you be so happy about This marriage when you had feeling for her huh like you were fighting so much for her and now you are happily arranging her marriage "

Yes I had feelings for Bianca but it was just a attraction I felt not love for my side and I know what she and my brother have they BothLove each other like crazy and I don't wanna spoil there love with my small attraction

"Are you out of your mind huh I just had a small attraction toward her Aurora now go and check upon her and please carry your gun with yourself and make sure you don't do anything I don't want you or anyone getting in trouble "he said mocking her habit of getting in trouble

"Marco I am gonna go and check on Sandro You take Care of everything Mate " he told his most trusted man and best friend
I was bit sad for this wedding like I know they have been in love since 3 year but why I don't have anyone to love to be with me to love me but I guess love isn't in luck for me

"Alessandro you look amazing are you worried or something your face seems to be pale getting cold feet before your own marriage huh " I teased him
"Aagh No No what if faint infornt of everyone and what if I forget this vow if I did that she will definitely kill me gosh" he said stressing out

"You are strong Don't worry brother and weren't you very smart so don't worry you are not gonna forget this vows "

It's so funny to see The older Moretti getting so scared after our Parent death he was the one who didn't cried or got scared and protected Aurora but now seeing him like this 

"Well Luca I have request from you " he said

"Yay say it " I know it's gonna be some stuff of him

"You have to go to India for some office related work of mine it's important "he said

"What India " I have visited there once many year ago but now why

"See I know you don't handle office stuff you handle our mafia stuff but me and Bianca have our honeymoon planned and I can't cancel it and neither I want this deal to go over us you have to cover it " he said giving me his innocent look

Agh I hate this think he give me this innocent eyes and know I can't reject this I have no other option rather to accept cause it is important towards our company

"Sure bro I will go but who will take care of that brat " I refer to one big troublemaker our sister

"Your bodyguard will take care of her don't worry and she has her friend to now come we are getting late for my marriage"

"Okay let's go and get you married"

The wedding was done thank god there was no chaos or problem

One week later :

"Enzo is the jet ready "
"Yes capo "
Let's go India and see what it has stored for me

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