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Luca went toward her and sat infront of her observing her but she didn't notice him he knew it might be emotional for her but when he tried to talk to her he saw her lost her consciousness because of crying he immediately picked her up and went inside the hospital and doctor went to check her after sometime doctor came out and called him in his cabin
"Capo mam is going through a severe depression and she had a past history of seizures disorder her health mentally is not good I see that she had an miscarriage Ptsd is common as she lost the baby 3 month ago but did you know about her harming herself" he was shocked hearing harming herself
"What harming herself" he asked
"She is cutting her wrist but she cover it with makeup capo I suggest you to take care of her as she is extremely fragile right now and I will suggest you to start taking her to a therapist that will help you the most" he said and Luca mouthed a thankyou and went inside her room and saw her hand there were cuts marks on her wrist he got numbed by seeing this
Somewhere in the dream
"Did I die god did you listened to my request" that person asked
"No" a baby voice said
"Mumma it's me your baby I am here" the voice said
"Baby where are you see Mumma is here now we can spend our time as much as we want" she said and started searching for the voice
"Mumma you can't see me cause I was never born in this world then how can I see you" the voice said breaking her heart
"Baby I am sorry I couldn't protect you"
"Mumma I am happy here god is taking good care of me but mumma seeing you sad or crying break my heart and seeing Dad sad or crying make me sad too mumma daddy love you forgive him he was not responsible for me being in this world I can't see my mumma and daddy suffering and grieving over me you both love each other for me be together" the voice said
"Mumma I have to go back I love you and dad the most please be safe and we will definitely meet in the other side of world one day with my siblings I love you mumma" the voice said before fading
"I love you baby I love you baby I love you baby" she started shouting and crying
In the hospital room
Luca got confused seeing her shouting and crying he immediately called the doctor and they examined and told him she was an having an nightmares or something
After few minutes she woked up and saw Luca sitting infront of her she hugged immediately and cried in his arms
"What happened baby" he asked
"I saw our baby in my dream and baby want us to be happy not sad for his happiness and his wish is that we should be together not apart for each other" she said
"You saw our baby in dream did he said anything else about" he was saying but she putted her hand on his mouth
"SSH yes baby said he love both of us and said he will meet us on the other side of the world with siblings of the baby"
"I am so sorry it was because of me our baby is not between us now I screwed everything when I saw Sandro and Bianca baby I remembered about our little one"
"Baby said it's not your fault you know might it be destiny it was written for him to not making here in the world we can't protect that but we can protect our future babies" she said
"Yes you are right we can protect our future babies what future babies" he was shocked listening to this
"Yes our future babies Mr Moretti if you want to be with me but I don't have any issue if you don't want to be with me" he shuted her up by slamming his lip upon her and climbing on her bed the kiss was full of passion and love but the moment was destroyed by Aurora and Marco coming inside the room
"Wtffffffff" Said Aurora looking at them
"Are you two back together" asked Marco
"Yes we are" Said Vanshika looking at Luca
"But what are you doing together here again" he stated again stretching it
"It's coincidence Luca but get lost now I have to catch up with this bitch and talk to her about everything" she was saying all her nonsense but Luca just glared at her
"No we are gonna visit Bianca and Alessandro and baby first then we can gossip Rory" Vanshika said
"Sure sure I am going" she said and went outside the room
"Boss I should go too" he said and went away from there and Luca made her way to there and started kissing her neck
"I missed you so much I am craving for you now but we are in this hospital I can't have you now but after going home I won't leave you easily you have to pay for all this 5 months" he said and bitted her skin leaving a hickey over there
"I love you" she said
"I love you too Bambina" he said

Just two more chapters and one epilogue then this story is gonna be finish ❤️❤️😭

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