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They reached home and he immediately tooked her to his room and cleaned her up by even looking at her his member inside him was getting hard but he was controlling he don't to take her advantage like this so he made her wear his T-shirt upon his dress and hugged her from behind and sleep consumed him
Next morning
When her eye got open she saw she was in different room it wasn't her room did she had a one night stand with someone she was thinking only that she saw a hand on her waist she screamed and when she saw the face she stopped herself
"You how I am in your room" she asked getting confused
"I camed to the club and saw a guy close to you and then I brought you here back home with me"
"Sorry but Luca why your lips are swollen"
"You don't remember it ofcourse you won't you were like a wild cat see this" he showed his neck which was full with hickeys
" i did that did we had Anm sex" she asked in low voice
"No I never take advantage of a drunk person"
"Even if that drunk person is your fiancée's"
"Sweetcup you want me to take your advantage"
"Yes" she said boldly
"If I start I am not going stop so mind it"
After saying this he thought she is gonna run from here but she instantly putted her lips on him and started kissing him passionately and he hovered over her he tored his T-shirt while kissing her then he moved near her neck and started kissing and biting it by hearing her moan he was so lost in her
"Luca ahh" his name for her mouth was a magic to him he slowly reached to her bully button he gived his kiss there and then he removed her dress she was only in her panties in front of him and he was loving this angelic body of her she started pressing her boobs from one hand and sucking other one he was enjoying this and here she was an moaning mess and then he tored her Lacey pantie
"So wet for me baby already"
"Yes" she said
"Awww my baby girl what do you want"
" I want you to fuck me luca"
"Sure baby " he said and started licking her and fingering her
"Luca aah please please"
He removed his clothes and when she saw his dick she was shocked
"Will it fit" she asked and he nodded
"It's gonna pain first I am gonna go slow okay if it hurt tell me" he said and she nodded and then he entered inside her the pain hitted her and she started crying Luca immediately kissed her after sometime she was enjoying it too
And that's how two souls got collided with each other
Two month later
Vanshika and Luca were having a great time with each other she even shifted to his room Bianca was pregnant Aurora was having her gala time seeing her both the brother happy
"Luca they are gonna find me do something"
" I am thinking but what can I do"
"Luca I am in my 6th month it's not easy for me to live her atleast shift me to your house"
"Naomi I can't My brother wife is pregnant my sister is there and my finance is there too"
"Luca think about it"
After two days
Vanshika was waiting for Luca to come and when she saw him she instantly went toward him but then she saw an pregnant women with him her world stopped and when she heared "she is pregnant with my child and she is gonna stay here only" her heart broked she controlled her tears and left for her room and started packing her clothes but where she will go he kidnapped her without visa and passport where she is gonna go she was thinking about this only at that time aurora camed toward her and hugged her
"What are you doing"
"Going away from here I was a fool to fall in love with your husband but I have a self respect Aurora I can't stay here when he has a child with another women and he brought her here I can't still I love him I can't see him I hate him I hate him for kidnapping me I can't send me away from here or I am gonna die my mental health is gonna haunt me more now" Luca heard all this outside her room his heart break after hearing her words he told Sandro to tell Vanshika she can go to London and start her carrier there and he gived her money too she was not taking it but they said what will she do there without money so she immediately tooked if she wrote a letter for Luca and putted the ring he made her wore
Dear Luca
I know the time you get this letter I will be far away from you but enjoy your time with what's that bitch sorry woman name and with your baby I hope you all the best for your future although you destroyed my life but being with you you made me smile you were like my angel who made overcome the darkness in my life but life is unfair na we weren't meant to be but just one thing I wanted to confess this to you since very long but I didn't have courage I don't know it's gonna make sense or not but Luca I love you yes I fell in love with you.You made me feel like I am only the girl in this world but it was all a lie but anyway thanks Luca
Good bye take care
Your ex forced fiancée
   Luca was in tears after reading her letter he lied to her destroyed her she loved him he lost her he started to act like a mad man because of this lie he destroyed her made her cry he was loathing himself

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