Epilogue part 2

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A car stopped infront of a graveyard and a couple entered the graveyard holding Two whites tulips
They both sitted infront of a cemetery of a child.

"Hey baby it's papa here" he said

"It's your mumma here sweetheart today I am here to share a news to you" she said and her husband holded her hand while rubbing it.

"Baby you are gonna have a sibling your mumma is pregnant. I wish you would have been here but but you are not and mumma is sorry for now onwards she can't visit you weekly but i promise I will come here every month don't ever think I have ever forgotten about you my child I love you" she said and hugged her husband.

"Mumma is happy my child it's just that she is missing you I wish think would have been different but don't worry I am gonna protect your mumma and your sibling" he putted the flower on the cemetery and picked his wife and they go over his mother cemetery.

"Hey mom" he said while putting the flower

"Hey mom we have a news for you" she said

"Mom we are pregnant yes mom your son is gonna be father I hope you were alive today we could have celebrated the news so happily but it's just I miss you mom" he said and his wife consoled him after few more talks they both came out of the graveyard.

"I love you Luca" she said and he smiled.

"I love you too Vanshika" he said and pecked her on her lips the little peck become a full makeout session in their car he was about to open her top when she stopped him.

"Stop We are not having sex infront a graveyard and we have an appointment to doctor too" she said and he sighed upset on that.

"How the hell do you have so much strength on having sex daily" she laughed and asked

"You are so fucking delicious that i can't control the animal inside me" he giggled saying this

"I can't control myself around you but hey it's not my fault that my wife is so damn hot and tempting" he smirked and was making a way toward her pants but they arrived at the clinic and he sighed in frustration she winked at him and gotten outside of the car and went inside the clinic he sitted next to her and started massaging her hand knowing that she must have been getting scared

"Mrs Moretti" the doctor called and Vanshika made her way inside the room Luca followed her.

"Hey Mr and Mrs Moretti hope you are good" she asked and they nodded at that then she instructed her to lay down on the bed so she can check how far along and how the baby is
"Just lift your top up and I am gonna just rub this jelly in your stomach okay mam" she said smiling.

And then she started rubbing it

"Oh you are 11 week along and ohh here is yours little babies see" when they heard babies they were confused?

"Babies?"both asked and the doctor smiled.

"Yes Mr Moretti you both are having twins Mrs Moretti is pregnant with twins baby" she said and congratulated them and give them baby photo.

Vanshika had tears in her eyes and Luca was beyond the sky after hearing the news he hugged her happily
They both made their way outside the clinic.

"Luca you impregnated me with twins!"she said he nodded his head at this

"You dumbass are you crazy two watermelons are gonna come for my vagina oh my gosh it's gonna pain so much" she started panicking at this

"Sweetheart we can talk about this later" he said

"No I don't wanna talk to you just shut the fuck up" she said and he just got quiet when they reach the mansion she left him in the car all alone and made her way under home

"Vanshika what happened" Bianaca and Aurora asked

"Luca got me pregnant with twins that's what happened" she said and cried they both started to dance and hugged her

"Congratulations" they said and she started to laugh at that

"Wow now she is laughing at the whole car ride she was sad and gloomy now with you guys she is laughing huh" Luca said

"Brother that's called pregnancy hormones and you have to deal with it from onwards" Aurora said and started laughing

Vanshika went toward Luca and hugged him

"Sorry for the reaction Luca it was dumb but I was scared I am sorry" she said and he kissed her on her forehead

"Now the only thing I have to take care is of you and this little beans on your stomach"

"Hehe I love you Luca Moretti" she said .

"I love you too Vanshika Moretti" he said and hugged her.

The end
Yes it's the end finally I have ended this story and sorry for not writing about her giving birth to the twins but the genders are one boy and a girl so if you have any suggestions for the bonus chapters with their kids or of 5 years before the epilogue you can comment it and I can write about it
Lastly thanks to all those who supported this book ❤️ I love you all

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