Chapter 3

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Luca was struck in traffic for god know what reason the traffic was not getting clear and he was getting pissed he had to attend the meeting and go back to Italy for some work in his association

" cosa succede marco perché il traffico non si fa chiaro"   ( what happen Marco why the traffic is not getting clear)

"non so capo c'è una ragazza che litiga con qualcuno" (Don't know boss there is a girl fighting with someone like crazy). Marco said

I stepped outside the car to see what the matter was and who the hell was creating the scene but when I saw it was something else I was mesmerised by the beauty she looked like something else her face was blooming with anger but still god know what happened and my heart started beating fastly That girl was hardly 5'1 in height she was wearing black t-shirt and a skirt I was so lost in her beauty that I couldn't see anything else

"Bellissima" god what is happing with me why this girl is giving me butterflies in stomach I have never felt this ever in life Yes I have slept with some girls but I never got any feeling but just seeing her got something in me it was like a lost puzzle was solved inside me

There come some guys and they just took that angel by saying sorry to the person she was fighting

Vanshika Pov"You really think I am this stupid you should drop us there only you idiot and will charge as of full amount huh "  while i was fighting with this fraud there come my ex Advik and his gang ugh this day gonna be more bad for me I can ne...

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Vanshika Pov
"You really think I am this stupid you should drop us there only you idiot and will charge as of full amount huh " while i was fighting with this fraud there come my ex Advik and his gang ugh this day gonna be more bad for me I can never live in peace . Why does this Asshole has to come here infront of me and ruin my mood more than

That bastard come infront of me and held my wrist "Babe what are you doing here fighting like a roadside lady huh you know na I hate seeing you angry " he started caressing my face
This asshole I am gonna kill him
"Listen you dimwit I am not your girlfriend so don't babe me or call me anything go to your that pretty babe too whom you said it's just a mere timepass and who you love more than your life "

He was about to say something but thank god my cousins rescued me from him they don't know what a monster he and his gang is I know them and they are scumbag a walking piece of shit

While walking I saw a car who was driving very slowly like it was following us but I didn't give mind to it cause my mood was extremely ruined

This is not a proper mafia book it's more like romance book guys

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