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It's been two day since she is back from hospital and seeing Luca leaving her she should be happy him leaving her but she was sad cause she didn't wanted him to leave her but alas you can't get things you always wanted and she knew he was the one even if she want she can't get cause they drived each other away she laughed at herself
After sometime she heard the doorbell of her house ringing she opened the door and saw a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates and there was a note
Never giving up on us ily mi amore

She was shocked who was this but Mi amore word was used by Luca and she doesn't believe it he will be here after her saying to left her all alone but she know Luca is stubborn but she left this idea of Luca being the one sending her this
After sometime she left for her work
At evening
After preparing everything for the meeting tomorrow she left her office but she saw an car waiting for her she was shocked why is a waiting for her but the driver said it's for her and it's a order to accompany her there she was adamant not to sit in the car but she being a dumb sitted inside the car and the car drove to a restaurant
"Why are we stopping infront of this restaurant" she asked and he didn't replied her
"Hello I am taking to you are you deaf or what" she said annoyed on being ignore
The car stop and he opened the door for her but she being a stubborn didn't came out of the car he called someone on his phone and a lady bouncer came and picked her up on her arms
"Hey hey drop me you crazy women" she said but the Lady dropped her on a seat which was empty she was hella annoyed who the hell has called her for the dinner here
After sometime waiter placed the food infront of her it was all her favourite and then she saw an person entering the room and it was non other than Luca Moretti
She gotted up for her seat to leave from here but the door of going outside was closed she started banging it but it was of no use
"Sweetheart it's not gonna open I had it closed"
"What the fuck how dare you locked me inside the room with a fucker like you"
"You used to like it being in a locked room with me" he asked
"Used to Mr Moretti I don't like it anymore so open this please" She begged
"No I am not gonna open it until we finish our conversation"

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