Chapter 9

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Vanshika Pov:
This brat is crazy he think he can marry him if this idiot wanna keep here then I have to do something to irritate him so much that he will kick me out himself
At night :
I was just staring at the ceiling when 2 girls come under the room okay they are pretty hot but who are they before I could ask anything one came and hug me so suddenly
"Now I know why my brother got attracted so immediately cause she is so beautiful" Brother huh
"Oh fuck I am sorry I am Aurora Luca younger sister and she is Bianca" Hmm
"I am Alessandro wife he is their elder brother" is she also was kidnapped
"Amm were you also kidnapped or something"
"No no Me and Luca were friends but then I met Sandro when I came here one day and then we started dating and then we fell in love"
"You were friend of that jerk wow" I am shocked he had friends
"Yay he has crush on me too but I rejected him" What the hell he had a crush on her and he has kept me here
"Why didn't he kidnapped you then if he had some sort of feelings for you"
"Luca would never betray his family and will destroy their happiness" And what about me I am not a plastic doll who he kept here then i suddenly saw that bastard coming in this room
"Rory and Bi what are you doing here"
"Can't we visit our future sister in law" what what
"No I am not that and you why the hell are you in this room I kicked you out na or you are so shameful now you wanna show that your sister and sister in law too the replay" It's fun to tease him
"No I am here to just ask what do you want for dinner" Dinner Amm let's tease him more
"Amm I need watermelon Ice cream but hey don't even think of bringing butterscotch cause I hate that and I am craving for Momos" He will be going crazy over momos now
"Anything else you want"
"Yay get out of here I hate to see your face"
"Bi am I dreaming or is this real"
"Luca couldn't reply you he was numb oh my god my brother is scared of you. You know what I have an idea to piss him more" Aurora was telling me the plan to irritate him and I was loving it
Luca Pov :
"What the hell is momos" I yelled at Abhay The guy who brought her here
"Sir it's dumpling but its different I think so you should buy a dumpling for her"
"Okay thanks" This girl is gonna make me crazy
After buying every stuff for her I move to her room where she was laughing with the devil rory on gods know what
"Amm Luca" fuck my name from her mouth was sounding so good
"Yes Vinnie" how many nicknames should I give her
"Vinnie that's suite you" that dumb said while winking at her
"Amm Luca I need to go to shopping I want some stuff and yes I need a phone too"
"No you will not go"
"What the hell I am not going alone I am gonna go their with Ri" who the hell is Ri now
"Vivi don't worry this idiot won't stop me taking you out and you give me your card so I can spurge it on my future sister in law"
"No I am gonna accompany you 2 there tomorrow" Now they are gonna fight me I know it
"Okay no problem" what the hell was this they are fine with it

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